Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Canidae sent a newsletter detailing the "sport" of treibball (link to blog), it seems really cool. Kind of like 'dog soccer'. Probably a really nice sport for doodles as its intended to both physically and mentally stimulate the dog. Here's a video on youtube:

here's the wiki link:

You can see the connection to "herding" especially in the video above with the Border Collie. Kind of cool...

We just got BB an 8 inch Jolly Ball without a handle (bounce-n-play) and he can just barely pick it up, instead he just rolls around it. I am thinking it would be fun to teach him to try to roll it into a goal. As its not really a "retrieving" game when we throw it... but its very cute, and he loves it!

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OMD, you may have just answered my question of the month!!!!
This is it. This is the answer for my bored doodle.
Tomorrow, I will have one of these balls.
I gave Spud an exercise ball all a month ago, and it lasted 13 secs. He is still dragging it all around the yard. I know he hopes it will inflate. Too many small balls he is carrying around in his mouth like cigars are wearing down his teeth. I was desperately looking for something ( not food) to keep my active boy busy. Plus I'm bored too.
Spud plays the game well, and really gives my sons a tough time playing defense. Can't wait to get this big ball and play with him.
My sons lettered in high school soccer and always play the game on visits home.

Oh Joanne! I'm so happy you like this.Please take photos/video! ;-] let me know how it goes!

I'm on my phone. Forgive me if you posted where you purchased your ball. It is dry hard to see DKing this way.
Where did you buy the ball?

Oh, my ball is much smaller. Its 8 inches, though that sounds small it feels just about a bit smaller than a basketball/soccerball. But its nice because it does not deflate even when punctured with the canines. I got it off of amazon. Not sure where the bigger balls come from, but amazon DID have some balls I saw called "megaballs" or something also by "Jolly" Here's the link. Only $15 plus shipping, not bad. Looks to be about the right size...

Oh, as soon as I get home, that ball's getting shipped-rush delivery :)


I had to replace my Aunts excercise ball last time I visited with Buddy.  We didn't give it to him, he just decided it was his :)

Exactly.   Ha, Buddy and Spud are alike. 

Gina, get this ball for Buddy. 

Hey that's really reasonable too, I'm ordering!


YIPPIE!   You are such a good mom.  Meet me here next week with pictures  :)

It's a Date :)


I love this! I don't know if I could teach Quincy how to do this. I have a big pink exercise ball, now all I need is some nice weather and a dry place to play. Of course with the amount of wind we get, I have a feeling I will be getting the most exercise. I've given him the ball to play with inside but he doesn't seem all the interested. Time to reinflate that ball.



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