Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am really looking to get a 1st generation labradoodle because they don't resemble poodles as much as other generations. I LOVE the labradoodle temperament and I was wondering if 1st generations have the same temperament as the other generations.


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Neither one of my doodles, who are both multigeneration ALDs, resemble poodles I think. Nor do many multigeneration doodles so I disagree with your premise. As to temperament, coat or anything else it really  is less predictable with a first generation too, I think.

Here's a recent photo of Sedona - our 2 1/2 year old multi-generation labradoodle.  I don't think she looks poodle-like at all.   I won't say she's the perfect dog - but her temperament is wonderful!!

And she is cute as a button!

:)   :)   :)  Thanks!

Hey, wait a minute...Sedona IS the perfect Dog!  Along with Gracie Doodle...hee hee

I think you may have seen F1b labradoodles--they are F1s crossed back to poodles and can SOMETIMES be a bit more poodAs far as temperament--you are overgeneralizing--there is no assigned temperament to an F1 or a multigen--People do try to say--"oh, it's part lab, it must be so laid back", etc, et.  But anyone on DK can tell you that Labradoodles have lots of different temperaments, just like all other breeds do. You really can't generalize temperament for a breed. The parents, the way it is raised and TRAINING will determine temperament.

Josie, what are YOU looking for in a doodle?  I prefer the easy-to-groom, shaggy, F1 where you can still tell there's labrador in there somewhere.  I have 2 F1 labradoodles and had another F1 a couple years ago.  They are my favs.  I also prefer to avoid the poodle coat (or the labrador coat for that matter) but because there are so few good breeders still breeding F1's, I would totally consider an F1b and just be sure you've discussed with the breeder that you're looking for a more F1 look in your pup.  Most F1b litters end up with a couple F1 looking doodles in the bunch. A good breeder should also be able to help you choose the least poodley of the bunch.  Now I think poodles are great and I wouldn't mind getting a standard poodle in the future, but I just like my doodles to look like a good mix of the two parents rather than like the spitting image of either parent breed. 

Our Fudge is a F1B Labradoodle and I think she looks super doodley. She can also look like a Poodle, depending on how we have her groomed.

LOL Laurie and I don't think she would appreciate being called Fifi...I know Daisy wouldn't!

Lisa, I can't help myself sometimes :)

Oh, I think Fifi or Pierre would be a great name for a doodle - a humorous oxymoron for doodle-lovers and a hilarious joke on non-doodle owners.

Our BIL named his Jacques! They were considering getting a second and already decided they would name it Pierre. hilarious.



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