Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So how do you know if a dog will do okay off leash? Do you just try it and hope they don't run off? This is scary to me. I think Ollie would run just to run, so I know he is not ready. I just wondered how you know when they are? What if I go camping? Do I leash him the whole time? 

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Goodness no. You make sure you dog has almost perfect recall under all sorts of situations either in an enclosed area or on a long line. My dogs would not qualify for sure. I only allow them off leash purposely, outside of my yard, when we go on a romp at the beach where they have been very good.

I figured it had to do with recall training. It's hard to work on that in an apt complex, but hopefully we will get to that point. I hadn't planned on trying it or anything, I just was hoping for tips on how to accomplish this. I don't mind him being leashed but then I thought about a camp trip and that would be really nice if he could be off leash at the camp site. 

How about practicing recall in a feced in dog park for a start? I don't know, I've been wondering about the camping thing too. When I was at my uncles cottage I was super paranoid that Sophie would run off into the woods but she never did, she stuck close to the people. But I am really aparnoid about this. I have a feeling if Winnie saw a squirrel he'd be gone, and who knows if he'd find his way home... and he has great recall. It's very scary just thinking of it! Sorry,... I'm not helping at all here...

Ya, I should start doing it around the apt at least...He just gets in these ornery moods where he thinks its funny to run away and get the zoomies...I'm afraid he would do this outside and be gone. Like Winnie, I'm sure Ollie would loooove to chase a squirrel and not realize that he could get lost. I may just have to stake a long leash to the ground at the camp site. It stinks, but it's better then him getting lost for sure. 

I would worry about that arrangement unless you were right there. A lot of the long lines are easy for a dog to chew through.

I didn't realize that! Thanks!

Yes wildlife would be our downfall for sure! You just never know

Our trainer uses a 30' lead. You can go to an open area like in a park and practice the recall command. Good luck!

I wouldn't allow your dog to be off-leash EVER in an open place. Unless they have an extremely reliable recall. The first time I allowed Darwin to be off leash was in a small fenced in space. and we practiced over and over with pieces of hot dogs for a long time. Now Darwin is about 80% reliable to come on the first command. Still, I only allow him to be off leash in secure areas... nowhere open unless it's like a huge unpopulated soccer field or something of that type.

We do not have a fenced in back yard, Daisy trained on a 30 foot lead and now has total recall. We go to a big Metro park and she is off leash there as well, again with great recall. When we are not in our yard or that park she is ALWAYS 100% leashed. You never know what could spook her and she runs. She's done it before in the yard but again, perfect recall.

Besides anytime there is a chance a car could come around a corner or another dog or animal could entice the thought of losing her snaps be back into reality. What would be the purpose of walking without a leash?

The only reason I would want him off leash is camping. It's not a huge deal or anything, I just thought I'd check with what everyone else does! Thanks! 

I get it but if you are in a camp ground I would say on leash, if you are on your own somewhere then if his recall is good than that would be okay.

My brother camps (at sites) he has 3 dogs, 2 are on leash as they can not be trusted, one just stays by their side so he is free.



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