Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Big news this morning to announce on DoodleKisses!! Hold on to your hats, ladies and gentlemen. This week, we had a contest on DK to see who could pick the Oscar winners. The grand prize was our own version of an, it wasn't a gold statuette.
It was something even bigger and better than the little guy called Oscar and his name is Brad, or BUB (blow up Brad) for short.
Things were at a fever pitch last night as the excitement built for everyone wondering WHO would walk away with "Best Sucker Person to Give BUB a Home." Luckily, our very own Pricewaterhouse Doodles accountant, Karen (Karen and Jack), was home watching the show carefully, tallying the entries, and posted the results shortly after the show ended. Since her job and her tying for first place seemed to be a conflict of interest, she bowed out of the race gracefully and contented herself with holding the large hand she had won previously in another contest.
Due to her generosity, there was no reason for me to think of a tie breaking question, because Karen had already "handed" off BUB to the other winner, Jane (Jane, Rooney, and Stuart). I immediately notified Jane that she was the contest winner and soon she would be driving around in her golf cart with BUB riding shotgun.
Despite the fact that BUB did not take the news well that he was re-locating to a place where gators roam free, Jane is packing heat, and he was reduced to being Jane's boy toy and would have to submit to being paraded up and down the streets of Florida in Jane's attempt to reduce other women to tears, he had accepted his fate by the time I fell asleep.
Luckily for BUB, in my morning mail was an email from Jane. After much thought and consideration, she decided that she did not want to get the reputation around town as being a Cougar and BUB should go to Jennifer (Jennifer and Jack) instead and spend his days relaxing with her in a calmer, quieter setting. I am not sure about quieter since Jennifer had already told me if she won the contest, BUB would spend his days swinging on her IV pole until her church group visited.
Jennifer really was the person who wanted BUB the most, so Jane came up with the perfect solution! Thank you, Jane, for sacrificing what could have been a golden opportunity for discussion after discussion regarding your adventures with your blow up doll :) Meanwhile, I think Jennifer is going to rename Brad, because she has had no luck with boys whose names start with B, and immediately talked about going with a J name. Uh husband has a J name, which made me question for a few moments who I should send to Jennifer....B or J, but since J provides me with most of my blog material, the choice was obvious if I wanted to continue blogging.
Jennifer, enjoy your gift. Many people rejected are responsible for Brad making his way to YOU!!!!
I woke up this morning except it isn't morning but noon and quickly flipped to DK.. I had to pinch myself, for sure I must be dreaming???? Then I fainted because I was so overcome with joy.....when I woke up to Jack licking my face, I told him he now will have a daddy!!!!!
NO way, would first Karen pass and then Jane so lovingly pass on my man!!!!!!! I just can't believe the misguided thinking!!
I am laughing so hard I am crying... and yes I am so extremely excited to become Mrs Brad!!!!!!! From this point on I will only be referred to Mrs Brad and Jack
I was thinking I may need to rename him, men that start with B's have never been good for me, Men that start with J's have been dreams come true, but out of respect for John (who got a lung transplant and did not survive) , who was a real live dream come true.... I will not use the J name......though knowing him he would think it was funny
Brad and I have just upgraded our room on the Cruise to the Honeymoon Suite.. He will be accompanying me on the cruise, Oh and if you don't see me out and around a lot, I may tell you it is because I am doing my treatments... but only Brad and I will know the truth of what will be going on!! My pole dancing man!!!! wink wink..Brad and I will float around the pool together, I will lay on him, we will float blissfully.. Should the cruise ship sink,,,, all you suckers that passed on him will be sorry you gave up BUB then... I will float to safety with my man.
Not to worry about Jack. Jack is very used to men coming in and out of my house swinging from poles, This will not phase him at all!!! He really isn't afraid or reactive to these kind of things, but I will video tape their introduction.
I have big dreams for Brad... Long hot bubble baths together, Him lighting the grill ( not safe for me to do on oxygen) Finally a man to take out the garbage, mow the lawn and yes to let me have control over the REMOTE!!! One to sit at my side and nod in agreement when I ask him if I look beautiful as I cough my lungs out? One who's eyes I can stare into while I am doing my eight hours of infusions a day. LOL
Brad will be at my pole for as long as I am on IV's.... though I can not afford to buy him a plane ticket to Denver so he will stay at home with my mom and Jack.. He needs to get to know Jack anyway.
But once I get home, there will be no separating us. The best part, should I get low on air, I can just suck on Brad and re-inflate my own lungs!! I am sure he would sacrifice for me
So excited. so very excited.. See who needs eharmony, Fish dating or what ever it is called, Who needs to go bar hopping when you have Yappy Hour and DK.
I will forever be grateful for DK for Making me Mrs Brad!!!!
To Jane, Brad and I will buy you a drink on the cruise...To Laruie thank you for sacrificing your could have been future son in law, to the Academy well I only saw one movie so I had no idea who to pick. to everyone else.. Pictures to follow!!!
FUN... who says my life is not filled with fun!!! Thank you for the HONOR of being Mrs Brad....a once in a life time chance!!! Finally a reason not to hate my pole.
Well - I was hoping you would be excited but this IS BEYOND MY EXPECTATIONS!!!!! All I can say it True Love cannot be denied - I could sense the amount of love you had for Brad and I just knew that while I lusted for him - I could never measure up in the love department. I can't wait to meet him on the cruise and have that drink!!!!
Brad is already impacting my health for the good, I am laughing so hard, I have cleared my lungs and don't need to use my CPT vest.. who knows Brad may be just what I need to get better!!!
Jane you rock!!! How did Laurie get a picture of you with a blow up doll in the car though? Did she photo shop it in?
Yes Jane you will have a place of honor forever..
Jenn it's a blow up not a robot LOL!
Oh Jenn, I will impress you no doubt with the things that Brad can do.... Just wait and see!!!
I had no idea he could take out the trash...hmmmm....maybe re-thinking my re-gifting :)
Congratulations, Jenn! I cannot imagine anyone more deserving or delighted to be awarded BUB.
Jennifer, Is your oxygen connected? LOL I never dreamed all this was possible for BUB!!
My oxygen line might have a kink in it, I will have to check... LOL
Hey Jenn...
Does this mean I should look for a new cabin-mate...or...are you and Brad up for a threesome??
Just let me know!! Lol...
ROFL, you just killed me...... so if I don't make it to lunch tomorrow, you can find me dead on my floor, come let Jack out to go potty for I will have laughed to death.. the way to die no doubt!!!
No Way Girlfriend!!
We have to get a chick flick...have a drink...or two...or... and laugh All Night Long!!!!
Looking forward to getting together...while I still can...that is...until that Hunky Plastic Man Of Yours Comes To Steal Your Heart!!
Good thing we live in the South now...
I think we can come up with a few good Southern Songs To Welcome The New Man Home...Sweet...Home....Heeeeee....Haaaaa!!!
I don't think Brad knows what he's gotten himself into!! Lol...
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