Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My doodle is a mess. 104 fever. Diagnosed with left side hip displasia, allergies, and a infection around her urethera. Just had xrays under general anesthesia, three medications, a joint suplemnent for her pain, a consult with a orthopedic vet this week with possible surgery. Vet said to discontinue Taste of the Wild immediatley and switch to a brand that is 80$ a bag! (CA Natural). My dog hasn't moved in three days and wont evenplay ball. That is how bad she is hurting. I want to cry. She is only one yr old! $600 vet bill. Plus lifetime monthly medication for almost a hundred a month plus that special food? Please, start throwing out opinions... I need some hope.

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Wow. :( So many different opinions going in completley different directions. Thank you for sharing. I do appreciate it. Orthopedic appt on Fri. Will certainly bring this up.

Hi again, Emily.  Besides switching Wally to Primal's frozen raw food (also expensive), I started to clean between the tops of his toes with Mal-A-Ket Wipes by DermaPet every other day, and sprinkling Desenex (athletes' foot powder) over the yeasty areas twice a day.  After about three weeks of this regimen, the yeast between his toes is gone.  His ears have improved significantly, as well.  I am about to add a probiotic to the schedule, hoping that it will add more of the good types of bacteria to his system.  So far, he has stopped licking his feet and he absolutely LOVES the food.  Primal doesn't contain any of the ingredients that would turn to sugar upon digestion, thereby keeping the yeast production at bay.  This, combined with all of the other great suggestions you are sure to receive, will hopefully aid you in coming up with a plan of attack that will work for you and your pup.  P.S.:  Wally takes Dasuquin, too.

Laurie, does Wally get Dasuquin from the vet or online? Do you use the chewies or the tablets? You specifically use Dasuquin or a another brand? Does your vet think you should never give people supplements to a dog too? I guess Dasuquin is specially formulated for  a dog.

My Jack sees two veterinary specialists; one is a dermatology specialist for allergies and the other is an internal medicine specialist for his IBD. Both have much more education that general practice vets, and both recommend human grade supplements whenever possible. In addition to being less expensive, the quality control and safety are better.

Jack has taken human multivitamins and several other human supplements on their advice, and they haven't steered me wrong yet.

It's interesting to note that the specialists do not sell these products, or any drugs, human or canine, so unlike your regular general practice vet, they make no profit and don't have a conflict of interest in where you buy it or what kind you get.

Your vet is incorrect that "you should never give people supplements to a dog."

He used to take Cosequin DS, but then the vet recommended that he take Dasuquin, instead.  I purchase it at the local animal hospital.  He takes the chewable tablets.  I have never discussed with her the option of giving Wally a human supplement.  He also takes Catalyst (chews).  Also, Emily, I keep him very lean and try to prevent him from jumping too much.  We take two walks every day, as well.  And, while many people might think that this is silly, he goes to a chiropractor once a month.  For him, this combination has seemed to do the trick.

I missed your message...Just saw it now.. we went to the Ortho today. He said to only use Cosequin or Dasuquin and NEVER anything else. So i was wondering why your vet switched you? The Cosequin seems a little less money. They are both on sale now at Pet Meds for lower than the vet can give me.

Now for the Chiropractor...a dog one? Human? You have me interested.

I am sorry for all these issues. Try connecting with The Doodle Messenger for help.

The Doodle Messenger is a website where Goldendoodle, Labradoodle and Australian Labradoodle owners, friends and family, corporations, pet insurance companies,  organizations, breeders, medical supply companies, veterinarians, groomers, and next door neighbors can come to donate (bark, bark) for a Doodle who is in urgent medical need with the bill perhaps staggering, and the outcome possibly, unknown or terminal. It is a place where Doodles and their families can be assisted with financial support in an immediate way that helps the owner realize that others care.  Care deeply.

This is not a not for profit.  It is a charity from your heart.  This is where we read about others' troubles and go, "Whew, it's not us" as we open our hearts and wallets to help as much or as little as we can.  It is a page where Doodles and their families may find a world of unexpected financial kindness.  Even a small donation is valued in a critical illness or injury where monetary support is often needed to find either a cure or an on-going treatment toward a Doodle's quality of life.  Your donation will be made to the primary Veterinarian of the dog (little tail wag), thus going directly to the care of the dog and a reduction of the bill to the owner.

Thank you for this link...I didn't know about it and appreciate  the information. My husband is not a dog person so he doesn't understand and is a bit upset but in a total different way than the I am. It's makes things all the worse. What an amazing group we have here.

Emily, I'm so sorry you doodle is so sick, I know it is so heartbreaking.   You will get lots of great advise and guidence form the fantastic DK members that have lots of expierence in allergices and hip displasia.  I would be contacting your breeder for sure.

I hope everything works out for you and sending doodle hugs your way.

It is hard to comment when I don't know any specifics and I'm no expert but I will tell you that we had a Lab with hip displasia - he lived to a good old age.  Yes he was stiff at times but for the most part lived a normal life, when he would over exercise he would need some pain meds but only a couple of times a month.  The infection they should be able to clear up - allergies - I know nothing about but others here do.  Try to hang in there!!!!

Our doodle seems fine except when she starts to run. Then she won't walk on her left back leg. We see a father son duo. The father says let it go  and that many dogs have dysplasia much worse and are very active. The son says OH NO, get her to the orthopedic vet pronto so she can have a full life. Night and day responses.

I don't have anything to offer but prayer and positive thoughts. When you are not so overwhelmed, think about your breeder info-health guarantee?? That's a lot to handle at once and I'm sending prayers your way. Keep us posted.



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