Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My Cooper-star is sick :(

yesterday (wed) she vommited at 6.30 am, ate her breakfast as usual at 9am, vomited again mid afternoon, then ate dinner at 8pm. (vomiting is unusual for her)

Today (thur) she needed to poop at 6.45 am (she usually wakes up and poops at 8am), the end part was a bit runny. She ate breakfast at 9am, then needed to poop again at 10am. This time it was all puddingy

Tuesday afternoon I gave her some freeze dried raw medallions by Natures Variety and have since noticed they were expired. maybe this caused her sickness?

Of course, we have no pumpkin in the house, but I have to drive to town tonight (45 mins away) to fetch DH from work (hes been staying in town the last few nights) and can get some from the grocery store. but I know there is some dried, powdered stuff at the pet store. has anyone tried this? Thought it would be handy to have in, as Cooper never needs a whole can of pumpkin and will not eat it once its frozen.

Cooper seems to be ok - she has been sleeping alot, but I put that down to being tired from her 2 week visit from her Grandma. She will run and play when i take her outside. She has an appetite and is drinking water so Im not too concerned. I have some chicken and turkey backs in the freezer so they are defrosting, I will get what meat off I can and boil it for her, and boil the bones so she can drink the stock. Maybe pick up some chicken breast at the grocery store for her (we are vegetarian so dont have any at home)

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Cooper wont eat it once its been frozen. She wont eat freshly made pumpkin puree either

This probably isn't the case with Cooper but my friend left her dog at her mothers house for four days while they ran out of town. The dog came back very sick with the same type of symptoms. It turns out the mom got sick too and their well water was contaminated. They both had giardia! Just a thought. Hope Cooper recovers quick.

Gavin had a 24 hour bug this week too.  Maybe an Ontario thing lol.  He did not throw up but had some runny poo, appetite loss and lethargy.  He came out of it just as quickly as it started.  I was thinking he must have got into something outside.  Hope Cooper Girl is better.

Hoping Cooper is doing well tomorrow. Keep us posted.

Thanks everyone. Cooper is doing much better today. She let me sleep in til 8.30 (I was up most of the night as DH came home with sickness and diarrhea too - his friends little boy was sick earlier this week and he stays at their house 2 nights a week).

Cooper had chicken and rice for dinner last night, with some chicken broth, and some re-hydrated pumpkin. I was a bit concerned she wouldnt like it as she wont eat canned pumpkin once its frozen or freshly made pureed pumpkin, but she really liked it.

This morning her poop was very soft, but formed

Hope Cooper continues to improve and your DH gets better quickly, too!

Good news.

DH had sickness and diarrhea for 18 hours straight (literally every hour or so), then just occasionally for 12 hours. he seems to be much better this morning, and is out of bed, though has only eaten a popsickle and jello and aches like crazy

Coopers poop was soft but pretty normal this moring, but she then vomited bile and her morning potty/inside cookie

I think they are both on the mend though, just hope the rest of us dont get sick now...

Hope everyone stays well/gets well



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