Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Mr. Gibbs is a service dog for a 3 year old child. So cute. The little girl needed a service dog to carry around her oxygen.

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I just watched it....So very sweet!   I TiVo'd it so I could watch...Bailey was so funny.  She saw Mr Gibbs and got down into a play bow in front of the TV...

I did see it - wasn't Mr Gibbs adorable and the little girl too!!!!

DH saw it and was telling me about it, but I missed it!  Was on the treadmill watching some junk TV that I had DVR'd. 

I'm watching it right now.  It is amazing to see 3 year old Alida communicate with Mr. Gibbs and for Mr. Gibbs to understand her.

They were saying that they usually can't have a service dog for a child so young. Only a goldendoodle could be that patient and smart :)

yes!!! I love it! Winston would be excellent at a job like this. He's so patient and gentle with small children. He knows just what to do around them.

Absolutely adorable.  The little girl seemed like she was able to live a pretty normal 3 year old lifestyle.  She was previous.  I would say that Mr. Gibbs is a Saint! 

I want to be the kindergarten teacher that gets Mr. Gibbs!

That's so gorgeous, just wiping the tears away here....

Mr. Gibbs seems to be a very patient dog even when the little girl was sitting on the couch tugging on him.  :)

Yes, there are a few things about this situation that are disturbing to some dog lovers:



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