Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nothing major - I just washed it and put first aid ointment on it.  The dog that bit me (of three Puggles - I'm not sure which one) is up to date on shots so I'm not worried.  It was so strange - I've always heard that you should never jump into the middle of a dog fight but when that dog(s) went after my baby - I never took time to even think.  I ran about 15 feet and literally took a flying tackle onto Stuart and kept right on rolling taking all 70 lbs of him with me and out of harms way.  During the leap and roll one of the Puggles chomped into my thigh.  In an ironic twist I didn't have on my usual outfit - a tennis or golf skirt - I actually had on running tights to below my knee - saved me from a worse injury, plus cellulite is hard to puncture.  I've never trusted those Puggles and now know that my gut instinct was correct.  One of them attacked Stuart over a ball and the rest jumped in.  The owners feel bad but nobody actually saw it get started so they aren't going to accept any real blame, and all I know is that Stuart is so gentle and unassertive but when attacked he went into defense mode to protect himself, a real 1st.  It WAS a stupid move on my part but without thinking I was willing to do whatever it took to protect him just on instinct.  I think tomorrow that I'm going to be sore from head to toe.

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OUch! I am so sorrry that this happened to you~

Jane I am so glad this was not worse and that both you and Stuart are ok. I completely understand what you did, just a couple of weeks ago DH inserted himself in front of a dog that was trying to attack Quincy on an off leash walking trail. I know if DH had not been there I would have done the same thing. The other dog's owner knew his dog was aggressive and said I'd better put him back on his leash, which he did. I don't blame the dogs, I blame the stupid owners. Take it easy and you get a Doodle Mom of the Year award.

I know they say not to get in the middle of a dog fight but instinct is a powerful thing.

I am glad it didn't turn out to be much worse but how scary.  That mamma bear instinct can get us into trouble sometimes...I also got in the middle of one not thinking.  Thankfully I was not bitten but frightening nonetheless.

Stuart is very blessed to have you as his mommy:)

So sorry this happened, Jane. I hope your leg heals quickly and you aren't too sore tomorrow.

Apologies in advance to anyone here who has one, or has a family member who has one, but IMO the IQ level of anyone who would own a puggle is not in the normal range. There is nobody but puppy mills breeding them, and with good reason. A cross between a beagle and a pug- I ask you. Why?????? What is the point??? What is improved in either breed??? And why would anyone in their right mind want one?????

So obviously these people are not playing with a full deck, and you & the boys need to give them and their mutant dogs a wide berth.

Karen, I met someone at a dog park who had a puggle and he was asking Why.   Seriously, he saw Ned and Clancy and said they were much more what he had been looking for - well of course!

LMAO!  Seriously this gave me a good laugh.  A wide berth will be an understatement!!!  Thanks Karen.

That was my hope, to make you laugh. :)

I might add Karen that nobody picked up on my bit of humor "cellulite is hard to puncture" - LOL.  Guess we all can't be Laurie - next time I have a story to tell - I'm getting Laurie to ghost write it!!!!!!  She can make anything funny.

You did make me smile with that comment. :)

Jane, that comment made me LOL. It was great! (although I'm sure you don't have a problem with celulite :).

That's because none of us saw your supposed cellulite - those of us who actually have it find it not funny - lol

mutant dogs! I love it. Oh there are so many of these ugly creatures around my neighbourhood. I don't understand why they have become popular at all.



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