Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I thought I would update you with the results of Tara's titer testing in case some of you have an interest in or questions about titer testing in lieu of vaccinations. Tara is the first dog that I am doing titer testing on instead of doing scheduled vaccinations for Parvo and Distemper.

So far she has had the following vaccinations for these two diseases:

1 Distemper/ Paro at 9 weeks

1 Parvo-12 weeks

1 Parvo-15 weeks

When she was due for her 1 year booster I had her titers tested instead and they were strong meaning her body was still producing  a large number of antibodies against those illnesses.

She is now 3 years old and I had her tested again last week.  I was pleased to find out that she is still showing strong immunity against the Parvo and Distemper viruses.

At this point I plan to have her titers tested again in 3 years.It is certainly raising questions in my mind about the frequency of vaccinations that are recommended for our pets.

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That's a tough one Louise. I think you would have to research that with the agencies involved. I would be surprised if they accepted it though. Some kennels and training facilities in my area will not accept titers in lieu of vaccines. I think there are still many  people who are not knowledgeable about the issue. Until it becomes more mainstream I think there will be problems getting the titer tests to be accepted.

Wow! Thank you for posting this.

That is great. If you don't have to give too many vaccinations it is great. My question though is what happens when you have to cross the border or have the dog at a pet lodge for a few days.

Does the vet give you a letter regarding the titre testing?

With the border crossing I think you would need to find out ahead of time if titer testing/vet statement are acceptable evidence of immunity by contacting the government agencies involved.  (be sure to get the name of the person you talk with! LOL!)

The same would be the case with lodging. Call ahead and ask if they will accept titers tests as evidence of immunity with or without your vets statement ( I have copies of Tara's lab tests showing immunity but no letter). I just called our local pet resort and they do except titer testing for parvo/distemper however they would like a statement from the vet with the date that Tara should be retested. They are accustomed to working with re-vaccination dates of 1 year, 3 years whatever and they want to apply that same time methodology to titers. My vet has left the next test date up to me and we haven't really discussed it. I have a call into her right now though and I will let you know what she says when I hear from her.

Ricki - This is very helpful information!  I will be talking with my vet about this!!!

What I find on the internet about the documentation requirements when crossing the U.S./Canadian or Mexico borders in either direction indicates that the required documentation only concerns rabies. There is no discussion about the parvo/distemper or any other illness or vaccinations. So it should not be an issue if you decide to test titers for parvo/distemper.  But please verify with a more knowledgeable source before you cross!

My neighbor has standard poodles. She gets the titer test done, before vaccinating, and I will too this month. With the flu and Lyme vaccines recommended last year, I am concerned, because for the first time, Pierre is having allergy issues on his paws that started in his 4th year. You can get a rabies exemption in NY if it could have a negative impact on the health of your dog.



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