Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You have to be really dedicated to get the mud above the eyes.....

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I have two muddy doodles!  I cringe whenever it rains!






I don't like when we have to take Huff out when it is raining, his paws get all dirty. Good thing he dosen't like going out in the rain.

This is an old picture, but it's a pretty common look for Luna ;)  She likes to blow  bubbles in mud puddles after digging in them.  This isn't even that bad - usually her whole tummy is also splattered with mud.

Seriously, Mom! Why can't I come in NOW??? Luna, those are some muddy paws.

Love it!!!

Muddy dood???


Melody, Bruin wins the prize in my book!

he was having a blast and wore himself out running...had to cool off somewhere!


Poor you, good cleanings to you. :)

This is a fantastic picture.Such an innocent look. Must be spring.

We called this our city girl gone country!  She had a blast out at the cabin but she did get exiled from the cabin.  Not too wild about the spring time messes.



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