Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Over the past few weeks, we've seen more and more sad stories of Doodles being re-homed.   This has stirred up all kinds of emotions here on DK and within our Doodle community. But in almost every one of these situations, our first response was to contact DRC.  We have the confidence of knowing that a committed DRC volunteer will  take immediate action to ensure the safety and well-being of these dogs. Just knowing that these doodles would be safe in the DRC Rescue Program and not sold, given away for free on Craigslist or dumped in shelters gave me some peace of mind.  

Here's the thing…..DRC is being asked to take in and rescue more and more Doodles, and many of these dogs have come into the program with severe health and/or behavioral issues.  Most times DRC doesn't even know about these issues until we have already committed to helping the Doodle. Some have needed ongoing or emergency vet care that has cost DRC thousands of dollars. Such as in the cases of Stella and Luna; doodle sisters pulled from a TN kill shelter with advanced heartworm that required months of pre and post treatment care.  And there was Liberty in Texas who needed close to $3000 in emergency surgery to remove a bowel obstruction and post-surgical care after her owners refused to pay for treatment.

I'm sure that you recognize the names of some of the other lucky Doodles DRC has rescued from shelters over the past few months….Goofy who had to be quarantined; Einstein, Peaches, Cassidi; Lacey; Brinkley; Fozzi; Carson; Harper with the ectopic utterer; Wesley; Norman; Cash; Cole and others.  Vetting costs for these Doodles were significant, but each one of these dogs was worth saving.  To allow any of them to be euthanized would be unthinkable.

We are all well aware of the costs of  routine vet care for our own Doodles and that emergency vet care can be astronomical!  What many of us may not realize is that  a rescue Doodle's adoption fee RARELY covers DRCs expenses for the dog. The average "per dog" cost for basic vet care  (spay/neuter, vaccines, HW testing, fecal testing, lyme disease testing, and microchipping) is anywhere from $200 to $700 depending on the dogs geographic location and DRCs resources in that particular area.  The average cost of grooming each Doodle is $80-$100, and no DRC Doodle goes to their forever home without complete vetting and grooming.  So, that's what it costs DRC to vet and groom a "healthy" Doodle.

But as we have all come to learn through our volunteer friends posts, blog journals, and pictures, often times a rescue doodle's needs go far beyond the parameters of routine vet care.  There have been quite a few of these situations recently. And while we are so happy to have been able to save these doodles, the DRC veterinary fund has taken a severe hit.

So, what do we do when rescue " Doodle Dollars" are dwindling?….

We have a raffle, and this is a special one!  Our own Patti Barry (PJ and Zach) has volunteered to create her "Doodle Days" personalized comics for five lucky DRC raffle winners!  I'm sure you've seen these awesome Doodle cartoons here on DK and also on Facebook.  Here's one that Patti created for me when Guinness was so sick a month ago - I LOVE IT!

Anyone donating $25 or more will be included in the Doodle Days Cartoon raffle.  You will receive your personalized and framed Doodle cartoon as well as an online version to share.  

Remember. There will be five winners for this prize.  

Anyone donating $50 or more will be entered in to the  drawing and receive a beautiful, soft braided lead.

If you donate $100, you will be entered into a drawing to win the complete set of all six varieties of DRCs Casa del Doodle Doodlelicious wine in addition to your cartoon entry (remember we cannot ship to AL, AK, MD, MS, PA, UT, or outside the US).

And as always, anyone donating $150 or more to DRC will be entered into both drawings AND receive a DRC Puppy Paw necklace.

So, please consider donating what you can, and know how much your ongoing support makes a difference in the lives of doodles like:

We are certainly hoping that this increasing trend of homeless and neglected Doodles will not continue, but in the meantime we need so your help to continue DRC's mission.

As always, your support is GREATLY appreciated!

Special thanks to our own Patti Barry (PJ and Zach) for volunteering to create her "Doodle Days" personalized comics for five lucky DRC raffle winners!  

If you're interested in learning more about DRC, here's a link to their website....

Thanks to all of you who make it possible for DRC to continue with our mission.

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Hmmm....I just tried it and I had no problems.  Are you at least getting to the page where you input your donation amount?  Maybe you could refresh your browser and try again.  If it still doesn't work, I'll let someone know.  What is the error message saying?  Thanks, Jane.

It did work this time!  Made a donation!!!!! Show up as Donna Cunningham.

That's great....thanks for all your support, Jane!

Just seeing this now but it's a done deal! (wish it could have been more:( ) Thanks Jane!

Jennifer, thanks so much!

Looks like we still have a ways to go ... just wanted to get this back up on the front page with the hopes that someone that didn't see it before might see it now!

My two boys have no earthly idea how lucky they are to have people that love them, food and a safe/comfortable place to sleep (if you consider the middle of our bed comfortable).  Just made our contribution in the hope that all the doodles looking for new homes find their own special families very soon.  



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