Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I could not wait to come home and get on here to update all of my doodle friends on Hurley..we arrived at the Dermotogist office at exactly should of seen me trying to get my husband out the door to the vet. I was so anxious. I had to be there. I have been counting down the hours til this appt time.i had medical records in one hand and Hurley in the other bolting for the door.

We arrived and went right in. Hurleys doctor looked at Hurley and said the cysts actually looked better than he thought. He said that the antibotics that Hurley is on seems to be working. Hurley will be on these antibotics a total of 60 days. He brought Hurley to the back to check him out more throughly and have another Dermotogist look at him too. He came in and we got into our discussion. I got out the question list and was ready. He said that with a Dermoid Cyst there would be more of a chance that they would be in the brain. Hurley does not have this. He said that Hurley has keratinizing cysts. So he is optimistic that they are not in the brain. He said that what they want to do is remove the entire cyst, which means they will take a lot of skin from his head and between his eyes. Yes, he will look funny, but the vet said Hurley won't care. I am thinking too, that with the amount of hair Hurley has this will be somewhat covered up. He stated that this is not painful for him..he will be a little funny looking..(which is ok..he will be cuter :) He stated that the reason that it says the cysts may be aggravated or come back aggressive, is with partical excision. This is the reason why only a specialized surgeon can perform the surgery. They don't want a trace of the cyst. He said if the cysts are cut completely out then there is a great possiblilty that they wont come back! I asked him if I didn't have the surgery what would happen to Hurley. He said that the cysts would get larger, keep rupturing requiring more antibotics or Hurley could get a worse infection and might die. He said it was rare Hurley would get an infection that might kill him, but he already has MRSA. I agreed surgery would be the only and humane route to go. I can't keep having these cyst rupture over and over and grow larger. He said that if we got surgery, Hurley would bounce back pretty fast. He said he would do very well with surgery. The Dermotogist said another pro to this,is the fact that they are the same 6 cysts since he was small. That these cysts always remained and others didnt pop up in a different spot. These 6 cysts will fill up, rupture, go down and the same cycle repeats itself.

So he brought Hurley to the back and had the surgeon look at him. They were back there for a while, which I liked..he came back in and told us the surgeon was very comfortable with this surgery. That it would be broken up into two surgeries, about 1 month apart. The reason for this, is the fact they need skin to fold and stich up and can't do that in one surgery. The first surgery will be the one between his eyes. The most expensive part. That needs to be done first. Then about a month later have the other surgery. The 4 on top of his head. I have a quote of 1500 for between his eyes and 625.00 for the 4 on top. I am getting this surgery. I asked the Dermotogist one more question, if Hurley were your dog and you were given all this info what would he do? Without hesitation, he said surgery, Hurley is going to live a long life..he just needs this surgery. He is optimistic that this will work, the surgeon is too. Hurleys Dermotogist is awesome. He met with us free of charge and he said he will meet with Hurley free of charge for all his checkups so he can look at Hurleys infection. How wonderful is that? This vet is so compassionate. He wants Hurley to get this done. He got the surgeon to meet Hurley free too. Of course, I will meet him soon to get this set up, but at least I am confirmed that he will do it and the cost on paper! Your prayers and love are touching us..they really are.

I walked out determined more than anything I am fighting for Hurley! We drove over to our primary vet. We met with him and after I told him everything and he had time to read over the biospy, he is now in agreement with our Dermotogist and surgeon! He said that with removing the entire cyst, with us aware that Hurley will look a little funny, that he is optimistic that they won't come back.

Hurley is going to get this surgery, we need about 3 or 4 weeks so the MRSA is that gives me time of finding ways to pay for his surgery it's $2,125.00. Hurleys Dermotogist is on board with what direction I am going to go. I told him about The Doodle Messenger and other web based fundraisers. He said he will allow me to put his name and phone number on whatever I can do so he will talk to anyone about Hurley. I am fighting here for my doodle..

So sorry for this long message but you all have been so wonderful throughout this! Thank you!!!

I am smiling ear to ear...and Hurley is too! I took a picture of him when we got home..I think he has a huge smile on his face!

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This sounds like encouraging news....and I'm sure you feel better knowing you have a plan and some next steps.  I have a good feeling about this.

This sounds great! I'm so happy you got clear answers on Hurley. I have followed all of your posts and can't tell you enough how it warms my heart that you are fighting so hard for Hurley. We need more of you in this world! I hope you find the money for the surgery and that Hurley bounces back in no time. I bet he will still be super adorable with his new unique doodle look :). Please post pictures! I want to see Hurley!

That sounds like a good news. And to be honest, I thought the price tag would be much higher. $2000 does not sound that scary. It's just too bad you did not get a pet insurance before all this happened. I'm sure we can all pull together and help out. So great to hear good news for Hurley and you!

I am all smiles!!! Thank you all..! I had to write and let you know what is going on! All the prayers and doodle kisses that you have given us has helped us all have given us soooooo much support..
It's going to be a while to get through all this. Looks like though the summer. Hurley and I will get through it with the support of my friends and new friends we made with this website...! Thanks for the well helped on Hurley :)

This sounds like some really great news for Hurley! 

What a comfort to have doctors that take the time with Hurley and with you...and who are able to give you a promising game plan to help Hurley!

We will be praying for Hurley and for you...and looking forward to hearing a Great report...

This is really good news! A good potential prognosis, and the cost actually isnt as bad as I thought it would be (I think maybe vets are cheaper in the US). Now you need your breeder to refund the cost of Hurley to help pay for the surgery!

Ive been checking all day for an update! Thanks for keeping us in the loop!

What encouraging news!  I am sure Hurley will look very spiffy with his surgery.  These doodles can only get cuter!  Keep us posted on how to donate and how Hurley is doing.  We will keep praying for continued progress and a successful outcome.

I'm very glad that the prognosis is good and you can move forward with your plans to have the surgery done.

This is wonderful news indeed. And although the price seems daunting it really isn't as much as I feared. Others here have said they will donate and I will too. Set something up. If 50 people donate even $25 you would be more than halfway there and who knows how many would donate what. 

Oh my..! This is amazing that you guys want to help Hurley get his surgery! I am looking into some online fundraisers too. I want it where they can keep the money and send a check to Hurleys vet. How amazing that there are still caring and compassionate people who want to help us! Thank you :) a million doodle kisses to you all...!

This is great news, really positive and very encouraging.  I will be happy to donate when you get something set up and I'm sure that there will be enough people to chip in and you will raise the money needed so Hurley can have his surgery.

Glad to hear the good news Regina! :)



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