Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We welcomed another doodle into our family in December...a 4 year old we adopted from a rescue. Her name is Mimzy. She is beautiful and wonderful! However, we are dealing with some bad allergies. She chews and licks by her bottom a lot. She was on pred everyday when we got her and we were able to wene her down to pred every third day. However, I don't know if it is because of the beautiful spring weather or what, but she is super itchy again. I hate to keep her on the pred any longer. Any suggestions??
I'm sorry, I have no suggestions for you. I've never dealt with that, but I trust you'll get some great responses soon! I just wanted to say that Max is simply adorable! I LOVE your profile picture...It looks like he's hugging you! Congratulations on getting Mimzy (I love the name too)! You HAVE to post pictures of her! Good luck!
I have been meaning to post pictures of her but I am horrible at getting on the ball to get pictures online! Soon though...I hope! :) Enjoy your weekend!
Congratulations on a new doodle! DK has had lots of inquiries regarding allergy including mine several weeks ago. You could search for them. Willow is on Claritin (10mg a day) and she seems to be scratching a little less. We tried Benedryl, Allegra, Zyrtec and one other prescription allergy medicine (forget the name), but Claritin worked the best for her. Our vet said allergy pills don't work as well on dogs, so they will help but not eradicate the symptoms. She also didn't want us to give more than 10mg a day.
Thanks for the advice! I'm bringing the kids in for grooming today and I will ask the vet about that when I am there. She had suggested some pills that are very, very expensive (like $120 for two weeks worth). I hope not to spend quite that much for the meds! Maybe Claritin will help her!
My grand dog takes over the counter Zyrtec (me too from Walmart) really inexpensive and it helps her and I a bunch. I would try that first, some dogs do better on one over the other.
It is strange though that it is her bottom, there could be something else going on.
I give Daisy Primrose Oil, it really makes her coat soft and helps keeps her skin supple - ha ha supple, I sound like a lotion ad - ha ha
There is a group for doodles with Atopic Dermatitis and I'm sure you'll find lots of information there.
how long is her coat? Ollie scratches at his muzzle a lot and I noticed that if I keep it trimmed shorter, it doesn't seem to bother him as much. Since it is her bottom that is bothering her and not her paws which actually come in contact with the ground you might try giving her a fish oil supplement or some evening primrose and maybe she just has some dry skin down there. I know that there are a lot of people on DK that give their dogs the fish oil or EPO (but don't use EPO if your dog has seizures).
Pick up a bottle of 500 mg evening primrose oil capsules (human supplement) and give her one each day along with the Claritin. Dependding on her weight, you may want to give her two 10 mg Claritin tablets once a day. Try wiping her down every time she comes in from outdoors, and brush her daily. Wash her bedding. You want to keep the areas where she spends the most time as dust and pollen free as possible. It sounds like she may have inhalant allergies, possibly to pollen.
You can pick up an OTC cortisone spray at the pet supply store for temporary relief.
When she is bathed, use a good oatmeal shampoo or you can get Douxo Calming shampoo on-line. The lather must be left on her for at least 10 minutes before rinsing. Air dry or use a cool dryer setting, no hot dryers, and no other products like detanglers, rinses, finishing sprays, etc.
If she isn't already on a premium grain-free food with a good Omega 6:3 ratio, like Orijen you may want to consider switching.
Do not discontinue the pred abruptly, she has to be weaned off of it.
If she does have allergies, you may have to consult a veterinary dermatology specialist. The general rule of thumb is that if the dog requires prednisone 4 or more months of the year, a visit to a dermatology specialist is indicated. Allergies cannot be cured, but they can be managed, and usually get worse as the dog gets older without treatment.
You may want to start keeping a journal of observations on when she is itchy and what else is occurring at those times: weather conditions, acitvities, etc. to see if you can get an idea of any patterns.
Thank you for giving a homeless doodle a loving home. Hope Mimzy starts feeling better soon!
Hunter is very itchy to and the spring and the fall she seems much worse. I had her to the vet about a month ago for a spot on her chin she kept scratching and the vet suggested Zyrtec daily 10mg and it has been WONDERFUL. She hardly scratches at all anymore, its just the regular people Zyrtec for adults and I buy the generic at Target. My daughter was on Zyrtec for quite a few years and I found that the Target brand seemed to work a little better, I have no idea why but it did. I just give it to her with a little peanut butter on a piece of cheese and she swallows it. I also changed her food but I noticed the difference in the scratching just about 2 days after I started her on the Zyrtec so it would have been to soon to notice a change from the food. I have her on Taste of the Wild now and originally she was on Canidae.
Zyrtec and Claritin are the two antihistamines that have worked best for the owners of dogs with allergies in the Atopic Dermatitis Group. Some do better with one or the other. For JD, the loratidine (generic Claritin) helped more.
Others had more success with generic Zyrtec.
I've also found differences between one generic store brand and naother. The CVS brand seems to be good for JD.
Both of my doodles eat Taste of the Wild too :) Thanks for your advice!
Just wanted to say congrats and good for you going the rescue route! No advice, just hoping she gets better.
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