Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mom just called and said for the past few days Jack has not wanted to walk...when she is out walking him, he pulls to go back home. Today on his walk he just laid down and refused to walk...

She is taking him to her vet as mine is well over two hours from her...I called my vets cell phone for advice but am waiting to hear back. What could be making him act this way!!?

He loves walking!!!!

After not sleeping all night.... Drama is mo took Jack for a walk this morning when it was chilly out. He pulled and leaked the whole walk....he barked at big dogs and peed on everything.

He must just have been moms vet called twice to check on him which I really appreciate but he clearly doesn't have exercise intolerance....heat, yes,

I don't know why my vet was so alarmed last night..she is not usually an alarmist but neither my mom or I slept..

Really I don't know why my vet did that..she knows I get so upset so easy ...and she knew I was away...I think more conservative measures were right...and after I read what you all wrote I felt better..then my vet called..

Poor Susan and /Sasha listend to me cry for an hour o. The phone mid ifnt their time.....just to try to make me feel better....

Thanks Susan I love you and thank you all again...

I am praying for a non drama rest of my stay here in Colorado

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Jennifer, I think he just didn't want to walk. My sister had a dog that I couldn't get to go for a walk for anymore than a few minutes and he was trying to go back home or refusing to move. We used to have to take him somewhere in the car so that he didn't know which way home was and he would still get stubborn after a little while when he knew he wasn't headed toward home. I should add that the dog was staying at my house for me to take care of him while my sister was away working. I ended up carrying that little stinker more than he walked. He only weighed 16 lbs but he felt like a ton after a few minutes. If Jack doesn't have any other symptoms I wouldn't worry.

Thanks, I am thinking his is playing my mom. He probably is bossing her around. She said he keeps staring at her and begging for treats!!! She does spoil him rotten but she said he tried to walk but honestly couldn't.

It kills me especially since I found out today they are extending my stay to the 23!! After my surgery they want to do more testing for the second surgery I need but am going to get in SC hopefully.

Thanks, I will let you know how tomorrows walk goes....he also las lost pounds since I have been gone which is a lot for a 12 pound dog...but he is eating good,

Nothing can make my heart stop in its tracks like thinking something is wrong...but I hope and think your right and he is being the boss!!!


I do have a theory as to why they do it but it's only my theory. I don't think they want to be far from the last place they saw their owner.  I really hope there is nothing wrong and I know it must be so hard with him at the vet and you so far away.

Jennifer-I really hope that it was attitude and not something physical. Myla won't walk if she's too warm, but we never get out of the yard! Please keep us posted!

So my personal vet called and she was very concerned....which of course freaked me totally out one million percent. She knows Jack well...she has even walked him. She said it was no where near hot enough for him to be huffing and puffing and with the two pound weight loss etc...she totally thinks he needs a full cardiac work up and referal to a cardiac doctor,

She said to have my mom walk him tomorrow and if he shows the littlest sign of distress to stop the walk. She wants an X-ray, EKG, blood work, and she said even if that shows nothing she still wants him referred out because it isn't normal at all !!

I am completely done. I am going to ask my mom once she has all the tests done tomorrow to get copies and bring him home to his vet for Monday....and then to the specialist there.

I so wanted her to say he was fine!

Jennifer, You, of course, need to do what your vet says, but Jack has to be out of sorts not seeing you this long and maybe he is just a little stressed. Fudge wouldn't walk the other day either and I actually tried to carry her for a bit. I thought it was a paw pad or something. Try not to worry. In my opinion, it could be so many other things besides a heart issue, but then I am not a vet.

I swear it is like he mimics everything with me...he now is going to get the same tests I had! The thing that gets me is my mom said he tried to walk but just couldn't he would stand up and sit back down, Molly walked with him and she was fine!

Jen, I am sorry you have another thing to worry about....hopefully, he will be fine in the morning. All fingers and paws crossed here.


I wouldn't worry right now....

You have been away for So long...and Jack is missing you So much!

You know how he reacts to things like this...

I'm not saying that tests shouldn't be done...but...I have to agree with Laurie...Jack may be a bit stressed and Does miss you so he is not himself...

There are So many reasons that our precious Doodles respond the way they do...and it Doesn't mean that something is wrong with them...

I know how hard it is to be away from Jack for So are missing him So much...and he is missing you!

Just try to relax...and not worry...

Prayers are going up for you and Jack...



So glad to see this update this morning! You did not need this added stress! 

I had a dog that got stressed when I went away and acted just like Jack is doing now, huffing and puffing.  He did have a heart problem and was on beta blockers for a while.  It only happened when I was away and like you I was extremely worried at the time.   He went on to live to the age of 12.  I really think for now you must hope that this is not something critical but also that it may be related to you not being there as you are so close to him.  For now you MUST concentrate on your own health.  You are doing so well and getting an enormous amount of work done in a relatively short period of time in the very best hospital in the world for your condition(s)... stay calm and focused.  You know you have a wonderful vet and a wonderful Mom and they both know how important Jack is to you, they will do the very best for him right now.  

Great news!  I'm so glad to hear he had a good walk!  I figured he'd be okay.  Now, take care of yourself!  You owe that to yourself AND Jack.



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