Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm just wondering if this calls for a little panic, or a whole lot of over the top rush to the vet panic.
Sophie was really rambunctious and running around jumping off the furniture and what not. Worried about my neighbour in the apartment below me knocking on the door I put her in the crate to settle down a bit. She was pretty annoyed that she was in her crate and started banging on the door to be let out. I ignored her because that is not how I want her to think she cana get my attention.
There was a little hard plastic bowl in her crate from this morning (I sometimes give her a little bit of yogurt and some cranberry powder mixed in). Anyway, I was sitting at my comptuer and heard 'crunch crunch crunch'. I jumped up and went to investigate and found this:
I tried to fit all the pieces back into place but there are pieces missing that are now presumably in Sophie's tummy. The plastic is hard and jagged.
So how much should I be panicking right now??? Because I'm really scared that this will cause damage. What do I do???
Sophie! You must have been ticked off! You were just having some fun! Who gets crated for having fun? LOL!
I hope everything "GOES" ok this morning. Good luck!
Just reading all this now, most stuff happens during my night time here so now I know about vaseline sandwiches, razor blades, apart from Sophie's initial eating off the edges of the plastic bowl. So Sherri, I'm hoping there has been some result poop wise and no emergencies. I can't believe she did that though goodness knows what Riley has eaten that I don't know about. I do find myself closely inspecting his poop sometimes which to the onlooker must look like the behaviour of a deranged woman! I do remember you sifting through vomit so this should be a doddle!
Ps I think we should direct all potential new owners to posts like this one before they decide they want that very cute doodle puppy.
Two thumbs up to that PS!
I've been thinking of you and Sophie....hoping everything is okay this morning. I'll be waiting for the "AM Report". Sophie was trying to make her Mom feel bad for putting her in the crate....I'm thinking it worked.
It did work Jane! But I have nothing to feel bad about. I just bought her a whole freakin house, backyard and all!
Good girl, Sherri. We cannot succumb to their "guilt trips". I'm so glad everything turned out fine.
Sophie is completely 100% fine. Nothing came out in this morning's poop but I'll go see her at lunch time and try again. I am no longer worried at all. I totally over reacted last night.
Thanks to everyone for your support and concern, and for keeping me from being a panicky basketcase. :o)
Yay so glad to hear she's okay! Congrats on the home purchase!
I'm glad to hear the good news.
I'm thrilled Sophie is doing well this morning. They certainly know how to scare us silly, don't they?
Okay, I have to be Debbie Downer here a little bit. Those pieces have to come out. You may remember that JD walked around for weeks with bone shards inside him from that ham bone, and it ended up causing some major problems. Plastic can't be digested, so it either comes out in the poop, or it stays in there, and that's no good. I was hoping to hear that there was something in this morning's poop.
But I am glad that you're not worried and Sophie's feeling fine. Hoping for strange popp at lunchtime.
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