Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I want to scream or cry or both. I just picked Nelson up at the grromer nad they shaved him including his tail. I have used them before and they always did a beautiful doodle cut.  Will his tail grow back?

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Don't panic - EVERYTHING will grow back in time.  The tail is just going to take a while.  I am sorry, a lot of people go through this with their doodles. It will grow... at least he will be cool during the summer :)

You need to have a serious discussion with that groomer. That is unacceptable! fortunately it will all grow out. AND fortunately our goodnatured doodles take such affronts in stride.
It will grow back but the tail may take a while. Snickers chewed off his tail fur before we knew he had dry itchy skin. It did look funny but eventually it grew back. Sorry  about the bad grooming experince. 

How disappointing - you must have been shocked when you saw him! Try not to worry too much, it will all grow back even the tail! My neighbor's goldendoodle was completely shaved once too, and before you know it he was a furry teddy bear again! 

I think we've all had one of those experiences.....Always makes me want to post this picture of duncan when he was shaved... he normally looks like this

Isn't it amazing how thin they look without all that hair?? Duncan is a cutie!!

That's shrunkin' Duncan!  Still cute though!

I love his chipmunk cheeks!!

Sally, poor Duncan. Now I know what Ned would have looked like.  We just got him a short cut that I hate, but at least he has his head and tail and some leg fluff.

Nelson's tail is almost exactly like that!

He is a cutey.

It will all grow back. Poor you. Not poor Nelson because he won't care : ) This is one reason why I do my own grooming although it is a lot of work.

Awww....I am so sorry, but it will grow back! He might even feel better for the warmer months. I have never had the tail shaved....I wonder why they did that this time?? Was it a new groomer at the shop?



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