Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I want to scream or cry or both. I just picked Nelson up at the grromer nad they shaved him including his tail. I have used them before and they always did a beautiful doodle cut.  Will his tail grow back?

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There was this story in the news yesterday about a groomer who slashed a dogs throat by accident. The article talks about how the grooming business is unregulated (at least in Canada it is) and it is fast growing and there are a lot of inexperienced people getting into it. They often shave the dogs because it's the easiest and quickest way to deal with them, which allows them to take in more dogs and earn more money.

What a horror story. I may never bring the doodles to a groomer.

There is a 'groomer' around the corner here and they offer full grooms for €50.  I often find people with fully shaven dogs crying outside after they have collected them. One woman was distraught and was worried about how she was going to bring the dog home to her daughter.   The place is filthy, but they seem to always be fairly busy!

That's a terrible story, what a cut it's so deep and to think the groomer argued and didn't want to pay the vet bill.  Should have been on her knees begging for forgiveness.

I know right! it was actually the guy who owns the place that didn't want to pay. It's a doggy daycare and grooming salon. I had taken the doodles there once to check it out, but never left them there. I asked the guy about his credentials, and he doesn't have any. Just a dog owner who likes dogs. He said he took an online course in dog behaviour and that was it. I really hope they get around to better regulating the industry, for the sake of the doggies.

Yep... It will. I have had Shelby's tail shaved before... It all grows back just fine! Don't worry... I know it's a shock!

Yes, I would talk with the groomer about what happened. I think you should hear an explanation of why your poor dog got shaved like that. And the next time (if you don't find a different groomer), I would tell them exactly what NOT to touch and perhaps bring a picture of a nice cut with you. I know this can be frustrating, but just like everyone else said: it will grow fast, so don't be too upset about it. We were fortunate enough to find a very good groomer and she totally understands that we don't want the poodle look. She just added a second groomer, and I was worried that this new girl would not have the skills, but she is completely fine as well. They have the "usual cut" written down on their "Monty" paper and it is always the same: half off, keep the head and tail fluffy. So even if the body gets shaved short, his doodle look is still semi-there. And we do like to keep the hair shorter. It's just easier to maintain especially on a white doodle.

Sorry about your poor Nelson, but I'm sure the cut bothers you a lot more than it bothers him.  It has been my experience that most groomers will confirm what you want "every" time you bring in your dog.  At least they will ask, "Do you want the same as always?".  If they don't ask, tell them what you want, doodle cut, puppy cut, etc.  Be very clear about your expectations.  I would definitely suggest you contact your groomer to find out why they cut him so short and to explain why the tail was done.   We have had occasions where our older dog would be matted in some areas.  Because he was an older dog, they would call me up to see if I would mind if they shaved him, so as not to get him stressed, which can occur when they are trying to comb out the matting.  I always agreed to whatever was easier on my dog since he is a senior.  I wasn't always thrilled with the fur being so short, but it grows back a short haircut was definitely the lesser of two evils.  If you don't get a reasonable answer from your current groomer, find a new one.  If what they tell you is satisfactory and understandable, make sure you are clear with them about what you expect for future groomings.  Explain to them that a phone call is appropriate, if they feel they need to do anything to your dog which is out of the ordinary.  Good luck to you and Nelson!

Yep - this too shall pass, but I do not blame you or being upset. I feel Charlie has a very good groomer, but I make a point to tell her every time we go - NOT to cut his ears short, no schnauzer muzzle and DO NOT CUT his tail.  I will do that at home!  I also generally cut his feet before we go. She has photos on file as to how I want him to look.  I wish I was braver and could completely groom him on my own, but he would probably be in a continual state of being groomed!!.  I bought the clippers, but they are still in the box?  However, I have used the scissors! I will get there! LOL



What an awful, horrible story.  What I don't understand is why the person who picked up the dog didn't know his/her own dog enough to realize this dog wasn't his/hers.   All dogs have their own personalities and even if they looked alike, I'm certain I would know my dog immediately just  by the welcome he would give me when he saw me.  That poor woman, losing her dog like that.  That sweet dog, lost and alone in a place he didn't know.  Very sad!

Thanks to all of you for the rerassurance that his tail will grow back. I was sure that I heard that tails and eyelashes would not grow back. (she did NOT touch his eyelashes).  I have to call there tomorrow to cancel Rufus' appointment for next week. I may be calmed down enough by then.

I know that none of you know me but I spell anal-retentive WITH a hyphen. I was very specific when I dropped him off. The first time I went there, I dropped off the Doodle Grooming checklists that I found here on DoodleKisses and they had them there on file. I assumed that they would refer to them because she knew that I was very specific on previous visits AND I gave her verbal instructions on Tuesday.  I should have paid more attention when she said she couldn't do both of them that day. She was probably in a rush.  I just wish she had called.  And I hope that her hairdresser give her a Snooky Do at her next appointment.


In any case, tomorrow is opening night for Nelson. He is actually playing a dog named Rufus in Legally Blonde at our High School.  Between being bald, tail-less and called by his brothers name, he is one confused Doodle this week.

OH, I'm sorry this happened.  Many of us have experienced it and it is a great time of year to feel cool.  They certainly do look like a different dog though.  Check out my Quincy, before and after pictures, I was soooooo angry, but really it's ok, it will grow.



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