Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

How are all the puppies doing? I know there are quite a few of us with new puppies right now. I thought it'd be fun to check-in and see how everyone is doing.

I'll go first...

Type of Doodle - F1 Goldendoodle

Color - Cream

Name - Finn

Age - 12wks

Weight - 18lbs

Likes - Bully sticks, mulch, grass, shoes, socks, slippers, bath-mats, food, treats, and barking.

Dislikes - The vacuum cleaner, canadian geese flying overhead, the sound of power tools, being on a leash, being in the crate, and being left alone period!

Tricks - Sit, Lay-down, high-five and we're working on Come & Spin

Potty trained - About 80% (doing well but not 100% yet)

Recent Picture:

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Great idea!  Finn is just adorable.  Love that sweet face.


Type of Doodle - F1b Labradoodle

Color - Cream/Caramel

Name - Kirby

Age - 15wks

Weight - 48lbs

Likes - Bully sticks, fetch, thinking he's still a lap dog, playing with the kids, being outside!  He loves other dogs.

Dislikes - Being left alone.  He doesn't really have anything that he reacts strongly to.

Tricks - Sit, Down, Shake

Potty trained - I was just telling someone the other day that I didn't remember the last time we cleaned up an accident.  He is doing great!


Recent Picture (he got matted and had to be shaved, he is finally growing out from that):

Type of Doodle - F2B Goldendoodle

Color - Red

Name - Bailey

Age - 12wks

Weight - 18lbs

Likes - Bully sticks, digging, fetch.

Dislikes - The vacuum cleaner, lawn mower, peanut butter

Tricks - Sit,

Potty trained - About 80% (doing well but not 100% yet)

Recent Picture:

So Cute!! <3

Type of Doodle:  Multi-gen Goldendoodle

Name:  Maizey

Age:  16.5 weeks

Color:  Tan

Weight:  30 lbs

Likes:  bully sticks, all treats, peanut butter, digging, socks, slippers, kneecaps, pieces of garbage on the sidewalk, big open spaces to run, paper towels

Dislikes:  being left alone, sleeping in, carrots, birds, right now - plain kibble

Tricks:  sit, down, walking nice on a leash

Potty Trained:  98% of the way there, with the 2% attributable to her owner ignoring her barking since she had just gone out 5 times without going and confusion about being upstairs and far from the door out

Recent Picture:

This is so fun!  Love seeing the pics and hearing about these cute Doodle pups!

Type of Doodle: Multigen Australian Labradoodle

Color: I think he may end up being a light Apricot

Name: Rooney

Age: 20 weeks

Weight: approx. 32 lbs. (last weigh-in was two weeks ago)

Likes: playing outside with any of his people, tormenting his Uncle Reagan (our 8 year old Golden), any sort of treats, chew toys, ice cubes, playing with other dogs, walks, lying at my feet, almost everything!

Dislikes: Mommy cleaning out his "eye boogers". 

Tricks: Sit, Down, Touch, working on Stay

Potty Trained: YES!

Recent Picture:

Type of Doodle - F1 Goldendoodle boy (50 lb mom, 15 lb dad)

Color - Cream

Name - Finn (aka: Great White Shark Fin)

Age - 14 1/2 wks

Weight - 16 lbs

Likes - Antlers, fetch, chasing the kids, being chased by the kids (all in fun), sticks, dirt, sticks, pulling out grass, sticks, tugging, dragging laundry everywhere, toilet paper and any other paper product, Zuke's salmon treats, kissing, snuggling with me on the couch or bed, napping, being brushed, walks, riding in the car, everyone that wants to pet him and tell him he is cute!

Dislikes - being in the crate, walking to slowly, being brushed, having paper or laundry taken away from him, too many hugs from the kids, people that don't want to pet him and tell him he is cute, the sound of racoons in the neighbors yard at night

Tricks - Sit, Lay-down, "pillow", fetch, working on come and leave it and shake and loose leash

Potty trained - Pretty close, only has accidents when we are downstairs and he gets too busy to let us know in time, but that is rare lately

I can hardly stand how adorable Finn is. I will always remember his name... and the story of your son choosing it. 

Ahhh all the pups are so adorable!!!

Type of Doodle - F1B Goldendoodle

Color - Apricot/Cream

Name - Beckett

Age - 9.5 weeks

Weight - 8.11 lbs  at the vet yesterday

Likes - Pulling up grass, rolling in grass, eating grass, chasing and chomping on leaves, hiding in the bushes, dirt, zuke's chicken minis, liver treats, snoozing by our feet or in our laps, rope toys, his piece of leather, nipping and tugging on clothes =/ , getting attention from people at the pet store (don't worry, we carry him)

Dislikes - Getting his head stuck in the baby gate (we added netting to fix the problem last night!), being left alone, his smelly puppy kong that he gets up to walk away from if I even set it down next to him (I can't get rid of the strong rubber smell!)

Tricks - Sit, working on down (he'll do it with a lure), he started making some progress with leave it last night (thanks to the idea of spritzing him with water)

Potty trained - He's going on pee pads in the kitchen since we discovered a TON of ants by his patch of grass in the yard. I wish I could take him to pee in the yard, but we have to deal with the ant problem first or else he comes in with ants all over him. He hasn't had any accidents since day 1 though! 

Recent Picture:

My "puppy" is 1 year 7 months but I'm loving the pictures of the little guys and the status updates! Thanks for starting this discussion!

Type of Doodle - F1B mini goldendoodle

Color - Apricot

Name - Stella

Age - 6 months today!

Weight - 11 lbs.

Likes - Bullys, Zukes, Orijen puppy food, pig ears, other dogs, people, her travel crate

Dislikes - Being alone.

Tricks - Sit, stay, down, rollover, touch, take a bow

Potty trained - yup

Recent Picture:

Type of Doodle -  Multi generational pure breed from the Rutland and Teagan lines. No American infusions

Color - Chocolate

Name - Hurley 

Age - 5 months

Likes - Bully sticks, his squeaky toys, going for rides in the car, playing with the grandkid's doodle and labs, loves sleeping on the bed with us and is never in a hurry to get up in the morning.  

Weight - Guessing 25 lbs

Dislikes - Not going with us wherever we go.  The Waste Management Pickup Truck.

Training - Sit, Place, Down, Stay, ringing the bell when he needs to go out, etc.

Potty Training - He is 95% there.

Funny things - Yesterday when I was working with him in 'down' and 'stay' as soon as he thought I was out of site he moved to his doggie bed which is 'place'.  I couldn't make him go back to where he was in 'down' and 'stay' because his body language was priceless.  He played on that doggie bed until I released him about 45 mins later.  

On am more personal note, I never dreamed I could love him so much.  


Paging through all the pictures of doodles brings a big smile to my face.  They are all so adorable. We are becoming the neighborhood socializing spot for the morning dogs out for a stroll.  If we are out on the front patio when another dog is walking by Hurley's rear end wags so hard I wonder if it will fall off.  So the two dogs have to greet and get to know each other.




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