Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My husband and I both grew up with dogs, but we are currently looking for our first dog as a couple.  We have 3 boys, 10, 7, and 1.  Is there any way for us to get a doodle?  We would be happy to adopt one, but the age restrictions always preclude us.  Is the only way to get one via a breeder?  We don't especially desire the "puppy" experience.  Also, my husband has puppy sticker shock.  Thoughts?

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Unless I missed something in your cost breakdown, you did not factor in the biggest expense- your mortgage!
Congratulations on your new home- you bought just because you want a fenced-in yard for the fur kids.
So, just guessing here, I'd say your expenses are over $12,000 a year- at least. Well worth all of the happiness for you and the animals. Just saying...heck yeah, costs are high

yep, a house for the doodles. and as for the budget, umm, sure. Let's go with that. ;-)

The first year with Luca was quite expensive since by six months I was paying $40 a week for group training. Now, since I do my own grooming I'd say I'm spending under $2000/ year on my doodles if I don't go anywhere. That includes health insurance but if something huge medically comes along that would add to the total. A two week vacation with $60 per day for the doodles adds a lot to the total. So if you have some back up people who can care for your dogs if you're away that helps.

In my area, grooming for both your dogs would cost $1600 a year minimum, so that's a huge savings right there. And having two means you can also take advantage of the savings you get per lb of food by buying the larger bags, because they finish an opened 30 lb bag in a reasonable amount of time.


That sounds fairly accurate for us. Grooming, food, and healthcare (insurance, vet visits, wellness plan, etc.)  are our regular expenses. 

I looked at what I spent in 2010 (which was the last time we only had 1 dog) and I spent almost $5000 that year.  I have NOT shared that number with my DH though!  :)  I am an accountant who goes a bit overboard with her spreadsheets but here is a breakdown of that number (keep in mind that this is for a 22lb dog so anything larger and the food and grooming costs will increase).

Food and Treats - $485

Toys - $92

Grooming - $728 (includes the purchase of some at home maintenance items like brushes and grooming sprays and a small grooming table but is mostly regular bathing and grooming by a groomer)

Medical - $2278 (includes pet insurance, all his vacinations, flea/tick and heartworm preventative and a couple of trips to the regular vet and emergency vet for various health issues, and 2 comprehensive wellness exams at the vet)

Boarding and Daycare - $429 (1 week vacation and occasional daycare)

Training -- $417 (3 different training classes)

Other -- $530 (I guess this is just misc items that didn't fit into my other categories, but now it is bothering me that I don't know exactly what is in here other than general dog stuff -- probably dog beds, leashes, bowls, etc)


The stuff really adds up and I think I would be happy to spend only the $1500.  I am starting to think now of what I could be doing with all that extra money if I didn't have 2 doodles now :) but I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I started doing all my grooming at home now so I don't have a huge grooming expense anymore (although I did in 2011 when I purchased all my grooming equipment).


Amy -- I think I'm going to have to call doggie services and have them come investigate because that $ amount for toys is a little low.   We need to be sure these guys are being adequately spoiled!  lol   :o) 

I agree! The toy budget needs jigging!

lol...tell them to stop getting sick and taking money out of the toy budget for the vet bills.  I should send you pictures of all the stupid dog toys that are cluttering up my house though.  Sometimes it looks like a toy box threw up all over my family room!!  lol

I will just add in that my mini doodle, Peri, is 3 years old and is just NOW calming down.  I really planned for this time-wise - we got her before we had kids and I am now expecting my first baby to come in October.  I know it will be hard, but at least we are through the puppy stage.  They are HARD puppies.  I would not trade her for the world and I 10000% knew what I was getting myself into, but it is something to think about when getting a puppy.

Yup that is the reason we wanted to adopt an adult dog in the first place.  I contacted the local poodle rescue, and she said that there are "so many doodles on petfinder" that she has a hard time believing that we can't find one.  Sigh.  Thanks. 



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