Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Regina..... Hurley is very lucky to have you as his Mom !!!! Some people just give up to easy and as I say "lots of people think dogs (pets) are disposable". I consider my doodles family members !!!
I think when you have the support of everyone is gives you more strenght to go on - you are awesone !!!
You keep fighting the good fight Regina, we are all hoping and praying that Hurley gets his surgery soon.
When it's a done and Hurley is all better you should pay your friend a may change her ways.
I do so hope that the next time you see this person - that Huley is POST-surgery - happy & healthy and right by your side. Let her see what the world would have been missing if you had put Hurley down because of a treatable illness. We shouldn't hate them - just try to educate them. Love to you and Hurley!
We support you Wilson and I , I would never put Wilson down, over cysts on his head, some people grrrrr, Keep us posted!! Doodle Hugs and Kisses from Wilson
I agree with Sandy, REGINA you are a wonderful Mom to Hurley, what a stupid person to think, let alone say such a thing. You gave her the right answer and we are all here to help you fight for Hurley. We are all hoping that the cyst that ruptured will heal up very soon, that Hurleys platelet levels will improve and that he will have the first surgery very soon. Waiting is always the hard part. We are with you all the way.
Hang tough Regina! You are Hurley's hero!
Regina, In this world, there are dog people and then there are dumbasses people that don't get it...LOL. This is a problem that can be fixed and Hurley is so lucky that he ended up with you and not the person who told you to put him to sleep. Some day, you will be able to put this all behind you. Until then, hang tough and know that we are all here to support you and help you any way we can.
Amen to Laurie's first sentence! I have come to the conclusion that people who have that attitude about dogs (pets) are just plain mean people. Someday karma will come back and bite them you know where. Hurley is so lucky to have you and your family. We are here for you and are rooting for Hurley to be ready for his next surgery date and start to get all of this behind him. Hugs to you and Hurley!
I just can't imagine the insensitivity of a person like that on so many levels. People like her are looking for the easiest way out & apparently have no conscience regarding the life of a loving pet. Not only are you doing the right thing for Hurley, but you are teaching your children a valuable life lesson. Good for you, Regina, for speaking up to her. This is yet another bump in the road.
Oh my word...what a horrible perspective this woman has....I am so glad Hurley is in YOUR care, Regina. In time this will be so much better.
Maybe she doesn't know the real love of a dog? Hurley is lucky to have a great caring family
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