Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

HI, my daughter just bought a puppy! Lab/Coon hound mix, 4 months old, she is coming home next weekend with Macy, she is concerned that Wilson will be upset with her, (my daughter) and not like her anymore.

  I suggested when Karen comes home that Karen comes in the door first plays with Wilson and then bring in Macy.

  Is that the right way to bring in another puppy in the house for the weekend????

    Do you have any other suggestions????


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When I bought Oliver, Sasha was 10 months old at the time.  The breeder let me bring Sasha with me, she was there the whole time.  When we went to pick Ollie up... of course Sasha came, it was a 2 1/2 hr drive.  Sasha and Ollie got to know each other in the back seat of my car and they have been best friends ever since.  They are very protective over each other.  Neutral ground is the best approach.

We actually had a problem with this on the last foster.  We met at the dog park. No one was there. Both dogs, unleashed, arriving at the same time, PERFECT.

They played for a half hour but when it was time to load up and go home--Spud let her know that the car was HIS and it was time for her to move on.  BACK AWAY FROM MY CAR - Grrrr

We just told Spud to move over and hush up and it was fine.

But a neutral ground, unleashed is best.  Good luck and have fun playing with the new puppy

Ditto - have them meet and play on neutral turf and then walk home together.  That should start the friendship off well.  Your daughter should be sure to make a big deal over seeing Wilson, he is used to being king and the little one knows that he is not.  So long as Wilson gets his due, all should go well.

We brought Tacky to pick up Peri. He was still pissed off, so I don't think you need to overthink things too much. It will work out - I would have them meet off leash in the yard maybe???

I guess I never put too much thought into it when we brought a new dog home. We have friends though that come over all the time with thier dogs and our dogs are accustomed to new or different dogs coming and going. We are actually in a rescue club as a courier I guess you'd say. We don't take in any of the dogs but will deliver them and help with some training issues at times. I think a well adjusted dog will allow a new dog in if it's leader brings it in, but always do it in the yard first and always watch for any signs that things might not be right. Most adult dogs as stated already don't seem to have much of a problem with puppies.

We don't take in any rescue dogs any more, because we have found out they never leave.  

We were always told in neutral territory!

  Good Doodly Morning !!!

      We had an awesome time with Maisy, a few rough spots and Wilson let her know that he didn't want his ears chewed on anymore.  Yesterday morning after church they went out to play  Wilson was on the grass and Maisy went to sit on him, he was okay for about 1 minute.  hee hee hee.  They are both so very tired this morning, We took them to Door County WI, and they had lots of fun, Wilson introduced Maisy to a few of his friends.

    I was very proud of Wilson thank you all for advice it worked out !!  I will post some pictures later on, she is a cutie, Maisy also was watching where Wilson did his "stuff" watched that he sat to eat, then she started to follow, he was a "Big Brother".

Sounds like it all worked out. I am glad they had fun! I wouldn't want my ears chewed on either....LOL!!



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