Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Interest in April Doodle Romp in Tampabay area of Florida? Doggie Waterpark is great!


Doggie waterpark is located in Pinellas County, in Florida. See link above for pictures and video.

There are three doodles so far wanting to get together in April-would love

some more? any other Doodles out there? It can be reserved for just the Doodles.

The waterpark area has shade covering and you can join your dog or watch them play and stay

dry around the edge of the waterpark. My email address is

contact me, if anyone has questions or would like to join us. Your water dogs will LOVE it!!!

The exact date has not been set in April-will have to get together with all going to pick best date.

This would be a great photo opportunity and give your dog new friends.

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You can count me in.  OMG, Kramer is going to love playing with other doodles!  I could do either Saturday or Sunday.

I'm way down here in Fort Myers and I would drive up to bring Rooney and Stuart!!!!  Can you please send me a date ASAP as this will entail some planning?

Wow!  So glad you are going to try to make it!  I'm flexible on the dates.

Jane, Connie and Kim so glad you are going to make it!! Connie mentioned she is flexible and so am I.

Jane-why don't you give us two different dates and times that work for you? Then we can all pick one of those

dates..and set the date. I will be out much of today-, I will get with dog waterpark and get date confirmed. Thanks!!

The dogs will be really tired after an hour in the waterpark-so that is timeframe that we should use.

The only day that doesn't work for me is Saturday, April 21

Double checking my calendar - I have two events booked on Sat., 4/14.  I could go early in the morning or later in the afternoon between 2-3pm.  Sorry, I know I said I was free, but just realized we have tix to the Blues Fest that day.

Did this romp ever happen? Can we schedule one for May or June. I am pretty flexible and would love to take Abby to the water park for some fun.


I found out that to reserve the Dog waterpark for a private Doodle Party, it has to be on a Sunday. They are only open

on Sunday's 1-5pm. We need minimum of 5 dogs and for one hour it would cost each dog $17.00.

You are able to go into shaded waterpark and be cool and wet with your dog-throw balls,etc, or stay outside of fenced in waterpark. They have a few benches and tables with umbrella's for sitting or you can stand outside fenced area and take pictures. Another option is we meet on Saturday, then the waterpark is open 10am til 5pm to public, and find out when slowest time is, or just pick a time to meet..not reserve it just for us, then an hour cost $14.00 and we could go on a Saturday. What do you think? Then we can repost date and if we go private route see if we can get 5 dogs?

I am good with either option. Sunday is nice because it is private and more controlled. But if we have to go on a Saturday, I am ok with that too. Abby can always use some socialization.

Thanks so much for looking into this.

Sunday is good for me too.  Now that it's heating up outside, I can't wait to go there and check it out.  I have a friend with a doodle nearby who might like to go too.

Cathy,  Your message above, just came in to my email.  I went back to check the date you wrote this and realized it is a few weeks old.  I had about 50 emails in my inbox from DK suddenly.  Hope you are still interested in the romp!



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