Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I once posted about my leash & collar obsession - Rooney & Stuart have matching leashes and collars for every holiday and various themes and since that time I have added to the collection. So yesterday I decided to clean out a few drawers and little storage boxes and I came across my finger nail polish collection. I decided I should go through it and get rid of the old stuff, colors I don't wear any longer, etc. I remember doing this about 6 months ago - so how come I still have so many bottles? Do I have a problem? It got me to thinking - what other things do I have to excess? Hmmm - my hotel card-key collection? My cookbooks? Lipstick? So confess tell me what you have too much of and post a photo!
I was, too. I'm sad that my GS is a teenager now and sleeps in underwear. He still wears the Bears robe I gave him, though.
This has been such a fun discussion!! I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with something to add, but after a major remodel a few years back, I went through a house-wide purge. I'm not a collector of anything, I don't have an over abundance of shoes, I carry the same purse every day, I'm not into gardening, I don't have even one bottle of nail polish, I don't cook so there's no need for cookbooks, etc. I guess what I have an excess of is BORING-NESS!!! Ha Ha
Are you kidding? You may be the only normal person in this discussion: )
Yea, right!?
Pictures, we need pictures!!
I love Schultz's name and the reason for it!
I have nothing to add to this discussion...saddens me that I am so boring and collect nothing. Years ago I collected Precious Moments - dumb. I have just enough of everything. When I turned 40 I stopped wanting material things, I just want $ for retirement - wish I could say I have a collection of that but sadly it is not as plenty as it should be.
I wish I could say my DH was the same way. He has a storage room filled with old college books and papers! He says you never know what you might have to look up (come on dear, you are 56, get over it) - I told him that back in the 70's I get that but now we have this little thing called the INTERNET!..still won't let go.
I wrote earlier that Deanna, who said the same thing about boring, might be the only normal person here, now she has you. I have old college and graduate school books and exam essays. I keep them for a reminder of how much I once knew and have forgotten. Also one old biology book actually has the old, incorrect number of human chromosomes : )
JEALOUS! I'm a flower geek too! My Dh usually let's me "visit" them at every store we are at, but don't get to bring too many home. Small yard.
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