Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey! i am guessing this is just how dogs play, so im trying to be fine with it! But my sister brought her dog over yesterday to play with Chloe and they play kind of rough. Chloe kept trying to bite in his ear area (not aggressivly) and my sister dog would do the (fake bite)  where he would put his teeth on her but not clamp down. Im just wondering and making sure this is all normal, Sis told me this is how dogs play. It just looks scary sometimes creeps me out a bit! haha  Also if there is any advice i should look for for when enough is enough and i should intervene Thanks all:)

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Here are a few.

My two play really hard and to others it appears like they are trying to kill eachother and I've had people at the dog park yell at them to stop and I just calmly say "that's how they play with eachother" .
However, it's usually a different story with other breeds. I feel doodles have a very specific doodle play behavior and other breeds just don't get it. So at times it can turn rougher than I like. But again, unless someone is screaming or tails are between legs, I just let them work it out.
Haven't had any mishaps yet.

I think its totally normal.  If you could see my two doodles play you would think Sasha (50 lbs) was murdering Oliver (80 lbs).  Sasha is extremely vocal in her play, her and Ollie get rough and both love it.  When one doodle has enough either they just pick a quiet place to take a break.  Both my doodles respect each other and when one has enogh the other will respect that.   My doodles are togehter 24-7 so I know how they are together.  I would supervise Chloe's play with your sister's dog, when Olllie and Sasha play they are always biting each others legs, ears etc. but it is all play bite and when mouth's are open its play !!

thanks everyone i will keep an eye out for these signs next time. and these are some amazing pictures!

Here are some pics of Fudge and Willy playing at the beach.  Willy was just 12 weeks old at the time.  This looks like they are going to kill each other, but it was all in fun.  You can see my DH sitting with them with a grin on his face.  DH was holding Willy. We actually love the pic of Willy and call it "Sea Monster getting Fudge!"  They get pretty rough at times.  I did stop it when Willy was smaller and Fudge would roll him a lot. Now Willy gives it right back to Fudge. They usually get tired and stop on their own.    




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