Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just got the call....platelet count is ok....within the next 30 minutes Hurley will be under and getting surgery. The surgery will last for about an hour....the surgeon will call me when Hurley is out and doing good.....
I can't believe that finally this is happening....I am tearing up right now just thinking of Hurley getting prepped and ready for this surgery...I know he is so very confused, but know he is probably licking all the hands that are touching him right now....I love him so much. Didn't think I would react like this..l will be ok......
Love to you all.....


UPDATE: 4:15 pm Tuesday

Hurley just got out of surgery...went very well!!! Yeah!! Hurley is now being taken over to the Emergency Vet that is inside the same building. He will be there overnight. Hurley will have round the clock care and be on morphine...
Thank you everyone for the outpouring of love for Hurley. The prayers you have being saying have worked. The cysts between his eyes have been removed!! I can't believe I am saying that..! I have been dealing with these for so long now....
Hurley will have 1-2 months of healing time and he will have the second surgery to remove the 4 on top...
I will go up there soon and bring his food. I will pick him up tomorrow around 1 pm...
I will call tonight and get a checkup on him...
I will be sending updates as I get them.....!!

Thank you God...for watching over Hurley....!!

UPDATE: 7:45 pm

Went to drop of Hurleys food...was not allowed to see him, but understood why..(he would get upset if he saw me) they took a picture of him...they warned me that he looks very bad....and he does...I did not realize that he would have so many stiches...his left eye has drooped too..they said that some of the drooping could be from the surgery and everything is swollen and all the drugs he is on...I asked if this drooping will affect his eyesight. They could answer anything because they are not the doctor. I will have to wait until tomorrow. I know I was warned about him being deformed. They said that it could of been a lot worse...don't think I am complaining at's just so hard to see him like that, and that was only a picture. They said give it 12 to 24 hours...then swelling will go down....

Gosh....why do I feel guilty?? It's when I saw his eye and all those stiches....I feel so bad for him right now..I know he is in pain. Thank goodness he is on morphine right now. The stiches go from the between his eyes to over his eyes along his eyebrow line to the end of the eyebrow line. This is going to be a long road for him to recover. This surgery was the hardest. The 4 on top will not be like this surgery...

I will post an update later...he is going to eat around 9:00 tonight. I am calling at 9:30 to see how he is doing and will update after I call....

Thank you all....



Doodle Kisses to you all,


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Regina, Thinking of all of you. I know this is hard. So sorry Hurley has to be in pain, but they will keep him comfortable.

Keeping good thoughts for you and Hurley.

sending our love!  glad he, you, & fam made it through such a hard surgery and wishing Hurley a fast recovery <3

Hang in there, Regina, this is harder on you than it is on Hurley. And please don't feel guilty, you should be proud that you're doing this for him. Get some sleep tonight, it will all seem much better tomorrow.

Im glad the surgery went good!   It is so hard to see them in pain & all. 

I hope he has a restful night.  Here is to a great recovery!

I am so glad to hear it went well and I am sure his looks will improve daily--he will be better with no more cysts--that is the important thing! You have seen those pictures of people right after plastic surgery--it isn't pretty but a month later, they look great! When all his hair comes in he will look fine. 

I hope you get to give him a big hug (GENTLY!) from all of us tomorrow.

Regina, thinking of you and Hurley and sending lots of love your way!  Hoping for an easy recovery!

Great news that the surgery was a success!  Praying for an easy recovery!

I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well -- Don't feel guilty! And, I am sure he will look much better after the drugs wear off and the swelling goes down. Hang in there!!

The very best thing is that Hurley came through the surgery....the next best thing is he is going to be healing quickly, he is strong. The fact that he was swollen really does play a part. You saw him at his worst so you will be prepared for anything now.

I can't wait till he is home and with his loving family.

Speedy recovery Hurley, we are all thinking about you.!

I always check for Hurley updates. I bet it is such a big relief to have the surgery done! You are doing everything you can for Hurley and he is lucky to have you as his doodle mamma. Praying for Hurley and you- he is on his way to recovery now. Hurley has a lot of people rooting for him!!! :)

Anxiously awaiting a morning update to know that Hurley had an uneventful night and will be headed home this afternoon.  Hugs to you big boy, hang in there!



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