Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Please forgive me for posting here. I have my DIL here to help me and she feels more then my numb finger tips do.. Sophie is getting her first body grooming Thursday and we are trying to get these mats out. I bought a conditioner and detangler and a detangler comb. Sophie is 10 months and going through the coat change. Would bathing her and conditioning her real good help getting them out? I feel really stupid right now and like I am a bad doodle mother.. I brush her 2 times a week but must not be doing it right. If we can't get her unmatted I am canceling her apt till we get th out. I don't want her shaved short. :( thanks for any suggestions...

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Denise, you're definitely not a bad doodle mom! It is really hard to keep up with the coat change!

When Cosmo went through his coat change, I would use my embroidery scissors to cut out the matts, as far as possible up the hair and away from his skin. I didn't want to get him shaved, either. In many cases, by clipping out just the matted part, I was able to save an inch or so of hair. And because his hair is so abundant, the little clippings I did didn't show.

About 2 to 3 months ago, hoping he was over most of the change, I did have his groomer take him down to 1.5 inches or so. (DH thinks it was shorter.) But Cosmo definitely didn't look shaved, and it helped us get much of the remaining puppy hair off.

Every day, I try to work my fingers through his coat, so I can find any matts and clip them out. It's easier to me than combing every day, and Cosmo thinks it's petting! He hasn't had any matts since he got trimmed!

Cosmo has a mostly wavy fleece coat, with very soft, fine hair. His coat may be different from Sophie's, but I hope some of these suggestions will work for you!

Combing always works better than brushing for me and dematting is always easier when they are dry, so I would try to get the mats out before bathing.  Good luck.

If you don't have a Les Poochs brush and a really good comb with wide teeth on one side and narrow teeth on the other I would recommend getting both of these items.   You have to make sure that you are getting all the way down to the skin when you are brushing.  After you have completely brushed, then use the comb to just double check that you got everything.   I have always felt like washing with matts always makes it worse.  I always tried to be sure that I got any matts out prior to bathing. 

My breeder suggested cutting them down the middle not across the bottom, then combing them out.

Thank all of you for your help. Her neck area is really bad. I am afraid of what the groomer is going to say. I will work on her tomorrow again.

I love my doodle cut really short. I think she looks so cute in a summer cut.

I Get my Shelby shaved down about 4 times a year... We live inTexas... She loves to swim... And matts terribly, so I take her down short and it Lao helps with heat management as it gets really hot here and she is really active!

I love her short.... She looks cute in a different way from when she is long. I also like the ease of maintaining her coat when she is short. She got shaved in early March.... Likely again in early June and again in August (maybe one more in late September and then I let her grow out all winter. The first time it was a shock.... But now I am used to it and she is so much more comfortable.... It grows back... And quicker than you might think.

I love my doodle cut short too!  Not TOO short, but I cut her down to about an inch or so and she looks adorable!  I do leave her head longer though.  I love a fluffy face.  Even more important, she loves her hair shorter.  She doent get as hot and can run and play more.  I thought I was going to hate it the first time I did it, but I was pleasantly surprised!  maybe you would be too!

I agree with you guys. I love my Sophie's cute skinny leg look! And so much easier to deal with. Just brush the tail and the ears every once in a while et voila! perfect doodle.

Winnie on the other hand looks cute with longer fur, but that is fine since he is so much easier to brush out. :o)

My groomer told me to wet the mats with a water bottle and use a comb.  I do this with Fudge and Willy and it works pretty good.  Another thing I use on the mats is a product called Cowboy Magic. We have had horses and used this on their mane and tails.  It works great and is safe for humans too.  I have used it!  You can get it at any horse supply store, Tractor Supply, etc. or order online. The Cowboy Magic can be applied to dry hair too. Good Luck! 

The matting around the neck is exactly why I use a rolled leather collar on my doods.  There is lots less friction around the neck area withe the rolled leather.

I have a mat cutter that I use on my dog for hard to "pull" mats.  It is a little different with him, however, as I have been cording him for the last year and you want to have mats for cording.  If I cannot pull them down (toward the skin) then I separate from the bottom and pull up.  For a really bad mat, I use the mat cutter and pull it through the mat.  I don't know if I would recommend this, however, is you have had no experience as they are very sharp and easy to cut yourself or the dog.  Don't use water as that tends to make the mats harder to get out.



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