Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just wanted to share this helpful checklist.


Did You Know...
Canine auditory sensitivity is 10X that of humans. Some dogs feel static electricity caused by pressure changes in the air as the storm builds. They may become clingy, pant excessively or even become destructive.


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Very interesting!

Thanks, Tina!

Thanks! Shelby and I live in Tornado country. One thing I have done is practice hanging out in our safety location ( my closet). I'll take her in the closet and we will hang out for 30 minutes. I don't want the first time to be during an emergency. I also have a chew toy, a few treats and dog toy or two in there too!

This is a very good idea!

Good to know.  We have a lot of tornado warnings - last one, we both took a dog on a leash and headed to the basement - with nothing else but a flashlight and water.  I think we might need to rethink that plan and at least keep a first aid kit downstairs and remember to grab the dogs "to go" bag!



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