Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum



Since I have been a member on DK, I have learned so much useful information and a lot about members’ dogs.  I know about the illnesses that afflict some DK doodles.  I know which dogs are picky eaters and which ones have poop issues or behavior problems.  But it dawned on me, that with a few exceptions, I don’t really know much about the humans of DK.    Many of us recently stepped out of our comfort zones to post pictures of ourselves on our profiles, but there is no lasting record of that.  I know that DK members are compassionate people that are truly invested in the lives of their doodles, but what makes you tic?  Who are you when you have to step away from DK and enter the real world (the horror!!)?  So I challenge you to give us a little info about the person behind the dog. 


I’ll go first.


Name: Amy

Location: Dyer, IN (35 minutes outside of Chicago)

Generation: Millennial   (

Birth Order: Oldest of 3 kids – the only girl

Family: Husband, no kids

Education: Purdue and DePaul

Occupation: CPA – I work as a tax analyst for a Steel Mill.  I hope to work as a Business Officer for a Public School in the near future; I want to feel like my job actually matters.

Biggest Fear:  I have a phobia of grasshoppers.  Yes, I know they don’t bite or anything but they just really freak me out.  They blend into their surroundings and when you least expect it they jump/fly around…yuck

General: super organized, sometimes impatient, a planner – not a spur of the moment type of person, shy – I much prefer to sit back and take it all in rather than be the center of attention, obsessed with details, cautious (I was going to list the craziest thing I had ever done, but then I couldn’t come up with anything so I had to leave it out!), and incredibly sarcastic – but I swear, I am NOT as boring as I sound!!

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  A big fat penguin – one of those cute cartoony looking ones. 

Addiction: A new yogurt place recently opened here (called Red Mango).  You go in and fill up a cup with as much or as little yogurt/soft serve ice cream as you want and then you can top it with all kinds of great toppings (candy, cookies, fruit, choc syrup, etc).  I have become an addict, especially now that it has gotten warm outside.  I go there at least once a week, and I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. 

Random Useless Fact About Me: I have eaten oatmeal almost every weekday morning since October 2009

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: Sister Wives -- I have no idea how I got started watching it, but now I am hooked.

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I Went to MSU too!  No bake energy bites sound delicious :)

I do believe I saw the recipe for those on Pinterest!  I have it pinned but haven't made them yet!

Name: Bonnie

Location: 35 miles south of San Francisco

Generation: Baby Boomer

Birth Order: youngest of 2 girls (but my sister died at 55)

Family: Husband (high school sweethearts as were my sister and her DH and my BIL and his wife... must have been something in the water at that high school), grown daughter and son. Daughter lives with us due disabling Chronic Daily Migraines. Our son is married with a 5 yo girl and 3 yo boy.

Education: Bachelor of Science degree in Art. 

Occupation: worked 20 years as admn assistant, 17 at the same place, doing lots of graphic design until economy forced major lay offs. Volunteering for last two years 

Biggest Fear: something happening to my family

General: I'm definitely introverted but crave one on one time with family and friends. I love getting to know people well. I am a leader in an international Bible study organization. I've had migraines 2-5 days a week for 11 years. We grew up in Wisconsin but moved to the west coast for grad school. We lived in Hawaii three years when our children were little, and I miss it every single day. My DH says I left fingernail marks in the tarmac when he had to drag me to the plane to move back to CA. I feel whole there. I also do not get migraines there, ever. 

If I could have any pet (that isn’t a doodle), I would love to have:  more dogs. I have the firm sense that dogs are the only animals that really, really want to be pets... all the others seem like they would be happier to be independent. 

Addiction: chips... anything salty with something sweet to drink. 

Random Useless Fact About Me: I used to sew every day for 30 years... even sewing to earn money but I haven't had my sewing machine out for two years. 

Guilty Pleasure TV Show: HGTV is on a lot (much to my family's dismay).

Good idea -thanks


Born and raised in the midwest, mostly Michigan, have lived in some part of California for the last 38 years, love it here

Leading edge ('46) of the baby boomers, only child, if you don't count my mother.

Until I married my life was on the top of horse, training, showing, you name it.  Tutored constantly to help with the horse upkeep.

Very old, dusty, mostly useless now, Master's degree in Chemistry

Married right out of school to my husband of 44 years.  We have a grown daughter and son - they currently live near and I am trying to make the most of it.  For being such a pain in the neck growing up they are wonderful adults. How did that happen.  They moved away from me and when they came back they were nice. Do you think there's a connection? 

Took self hypnosis to overcome my fear of flying, been useful for many things, since there is lot I am not in control of and therefore afraid of. This would include most things that are motorized and go fast (includes golf carts), people I do not know well, bad weather, fires,....... you get the idea.

I would have loved to have been a world famous or even just locally admired dog trainer.

Instead I was a chemist for a few years, school board member for twenty years and a traveling Science teacher/camp director in the summers for ten years.

My current passions other than doodles are Assistance League(charity), reading, I can't quite keep up with Nancy's five books a week, and The Good Wife, Survivor, and Scandal on tv

I am soooooo over cooking, but it looks like I'll be doing it for the foreseeable future unless I want a steady diet of cheerios.  The only food my DH can prepare.

Deanna - you are welcome to part of my boobs. I also have excess padding, mostly between my shoulders and legs that could be shared.

Jennifer - I like hot fudge sauce straight out the jar, Saunders please, in my opinion ice cream just mucks up good hot fudge

I used to be an OCD cleaner, but I gave that up. Just another thing I can't control -clutter and dirt - it always comes back.

I consider myself a Coca Cola conniseur, others think I am just nuts. - can't give it up, can't stand diet.  I think it should be packaged in very small bottles - say two ounces.  Because it is that first few sips that are the best.  Even if you reseal it, it just isn't the same once the bottle has been opened.  Why is it cool to be super picky about the taste of wine or food, but not Coke?  Really ....  Coke should do better marketing for people like me

I like plain food that tastes like what it is - also not cool. Why? what is wrong with a good steak tasting like good steak, why is better with seasoning and sauces?

I was going to say don't get me going - but I think I am already underway.  So I'll stop.

About the boobs - I probably have enough for two of you so don't fight.






Maryann, the only "D" I ever got in school was in college Chem.  I ended up changing majors and didn't even need that course, but it still glares at me every time I look at my transcript.

What are your feelings on Coke Zero?  I don't care for the diet coke, but really like Coke Zero although DH prefers Pepsi Max. 

I love Coke zero. I am a total addict!

I just don't like any of them except plain old Coke. 

I'm with you, Maryann!

My feeling is that, if you have been drinking Diet Coke all these years, Coke Zero does taste a lot more like the real thing.

But if you have been drinking real Coke, Coke Zero doesn't come close.

As I have grown older, I have become very sensitive to caffeine, so now I drink Caffeine-Free Coke. But I drink it a lot less often than I used to--I try to limit it to 2 or 3 cans a week.

although i am not a big pop drinker, i completly understand the first sip of a coke. Thats okay, im alright with getting in trouble for opening a can of coke, taking a sip then never touching it again:)

I also love food the way it is suppose to taste, especially with meats.

I'll take some of the boobs, but "no thanks" to the extra padding.  Even though I was a super skinny kid, I'm developing too much of that extra "maturity padding" of my own!!!

And I'm with you on "plain" foods.  Give me a nice steak without the frills!

I am mostly a food purist too, Maryann.  I never thought of hot fudge sauce straight.  What a great idea - yum!

Totally agree...Nothing like a "red can"....The first sip of an ice cold Coke is the best!!!



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