Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I don't know if it's just me, but Hurley has not been acting right today. This morning while walking him he started having a lot of saliva much that bubbles formed on top of his nose...he seems not himself. He has been pacing and acting like something is not right. I don't know if it's a reaction from a medicine. I have called Dr. Genovese...he is going to see Hurley. I don't know if this is a Dermatogist issue, surgery issue, a primary vet issue. Even in the house with the A/C he is still panting hard. I can't get him to poop. I know his schedule so well. Sometimes, I feel that the doctors think I am a paranoid mom with him. I just know something is not right. I have never seen so much saliva come from him that formed on top of his nose. I have pulled my kids out of school and getting ready to go to see Dr. G.
I feel a little stressed and overwhelmed. I am trying so hard to keep him well. I know he is on a lot of medicines. He has been acting fine, but when something changes in him, I feel that there is something going on.
He didn't even bark when I went to unlock the door this morning when I came home. He always barks...
I am so attached to him and love him so much. This has been hard. I pray it's just me being too paranoid.

I will update when I can... :) walking out door in a minute...


Regina and Hurley

What a day....

I just left Hurleys primary vet office...

I went to Dr. G today...he took him off the Steriod spray...maybe too powerful...
Hurley was still not acting right so he mentioned maybe x-rays and bloodwork. Then with Hurley not having a bowel movement he thought it would be a good idea to rule out anything lodged in him. 
I left and took him home. Before, going to ER vet I wanted to walk him one more time and rule out a "pooping problem".. He did have a bowel movement. Not huge, but a movement. 
He has had so much saliva coming from him and hard panting. I just did not understand what was wrong with him.
I called my primary vet, Dr. Springer. I took Hurley in and he looked over all the meds he is on. He stopped at the Genesis Steriod Spray. He got his medical book and all the symptoms Hurley is having, is related to this spray. Heavy panting and the access saliva. Dr. Springer asked how much was I spraying on him. I said about 4 sprays...enough to get it wet. He said that was too much. I should only do one spray twice a day. He thinks that this spray is too powerful. Dr. Genovese said to stop it too today...his infection is looking better. 
Hurleys temp is fine, he is hydrated...

I am to discontinue the spray. He should be ok. 

Oh my gosh, what a day...I have been crying all day....
I know that Dr. G and his staff think I am a paranoid person. I hope I am not getting on their nerves...
It's just I knew Hurley has been acting so weird and panting so hard and all that saliva. 
I took a picture of him after we got in can see his tongue and how much saliva builds up on it...I will send soon.

He is on so much medicine...
On the Steriod Spray bottle the direction says "Spray affected area twice daily for two weeks"
I thought I was to spray a couple of sprays to wet it good....
It could of ran down into his mouth with all the sprays I did the Doctor said. At least we know that what he is experiencing is from the Steriod Spray...

Gosh....what a time he is having.....
I pray this is it for a while and no more emergencies....


The post I just sent was an email I sent to Dr. Judy right after Hurleys doctor appt.i wanted to send it to you all real quick....

I want to let you guys know, just like I have posted on his Faceboo and some other forums, that I hope you don't think it's always drama with Hurley and us....I just feel that I am just a little overwhelmed sometimes. I knew it was going to be hard, but I feel sometimes it's harder than normal, you know? We have our good days with Hurley...a lot of good days.. I hope you know that..Hurley is 13 months old and has been through so much. I have just been fighting very hard for him. I know that you all, if going through the same thing with your dogs, would be doing the same thing, if not more...we become so attached to these creatures that faced with "issues" it's amazing of how hard you do fight for them. We are their voice....

I knew Hurley was experiencing something not normal today. They give us signs and we "react".,..I just hate having to give some updates that aren't always the best or happiest updates....I just know the power of prayer and it works.

I read so many posts on here....don't think I don't. I check in a get a laugh, to say a quick prayer, to read advice you give each other.... I think of you all and pray for every dog that needs help right now, or is in pain...even the dogs who are healthy and happy right days seem to just fly by. I don't even have to explain because we are moms...we know how busy our lives are, then put Hurley in it and it's pretty nuts.....!!

It doesn't help either when you have some of the closest friends in your life say that I should just put my dog to sleep, that my world revolves around my dog and he will never get healthy. I have to drown out some negative things that are going on and rely on you, depend on you all. That what I am doing is the right thing...yes right now, my life is about Hurley and caring for him, but I know deep down he will get through this. It's not as easy as just "getting rid of the problem"....because there is no voice behind the problem. The thing is "there is a voice for Hurley"'s my voice. I will do what I have to do to save my agree...because you are dog are the voice for your dog. When your dog needs you, you are speak up and you will fight...

I don't regret at all that I got Hurley out of the litter. I am so blessed to have him. He makes my day everyday...he lays by my side, follows me everywhere, trys to run to me when I am leaving to go run errands and waits for my arrival at the window...that is my boy...I wouldn't trade him for anything...if I had to go back in time and do this all over......I would still have Hurley....

Thank you all for being so very kind to Hurley and my family, for never being negative, and really LOVE my have no idea what this means to me.....

I love ya all, and love Dr. Judy for taking me under her wing....

Regina and Hurley

UPDATE..Friday,May 25
Hurley is 100 times better today!! He has not had the Steriod Spray for over 24 hours now and he is doing good. Last night around 7 he stopped having the saliva issues and his nose cleared up and not running mucus. His heavy panting stopped too..he started to feel much better...what a relief!!
I am so glad that dogs can give us "signs" when they are not feeling quite right, ya know? Us moms and dads know our dogs so good..that any change in them and we are quick to figure out the problem :)
This morning, I decided to lay down and rest for a couple of minutes before starting my day. Hurley jumped right up in bed with me, circled around and around, got his spot and put his adorable face right up close to mine and closed his eyes...resting too....that is why I love him so much...because of these moments I have with him. That is why I will keep fighting for him and making sure he has a long life for all the moments yet to come....:)

Thank you all for checking on us!!! Such a better day :)

Regina and Hurley

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Keeping you and Hurley in prayers.

I don't think you are being too paranoid.  You did the right thing in calling the vet, hopefully a medication adjustment will be all that is necessary.  Good luck at the vet.

I'll be thinking of you and Hurley today and hoping for good news.

i would go straight to the vet - the saliva and pacing sounds like bloat. hopefully it isnt, but better safe than sorry

I keep sending positive thoughts your way.  I hope that Hurley can catch a break and that the vet can fix him up right away.

I am keeping you all in my Thoughts & Prayers.

You are not sounds like something is up with Hurley.

I will hope that is something small.


Regina, hang on. This is the hardest thing you can do. It is no different with Hurley than it would be with your son and daughter. You have to do anything and everything you can for him I am sending prayers and hugs to you all.

Your are not being paranoid.... you are doing the right thing !!!  I would be bringing him to the vet ASAP just as you are doing.  Don't ever think you are paranoid - you and a great Doodle Mom and are just concerned /worried about your baby !!!  It seems like something is not right - its better to be safe than sorry !!!  Keep us posted.

You are most definitely not paranoid whatever this is.  I'm just hoping it's not serious.

Good luck, I hope it is nothing major.  You know, he just went through a very big surgery and all of the meds, etc...are probably just making him out of whack.  My chihuahua gets this way sometimes.  You just have to ride it out, no matter how difficult it is to watch him.  But you are doing the right thing bringing him in.  Many hugs coming your way :)

Hi Regina,

By now you are either at the vet, or home.  I hope things are going better...please update us as you can.  I am so glad you called the vet right away.  In your corner here....

You are not paranoid, you have every right to be keep doing what you are doing.

Hurley and your family continue to be in my prayers.

Please update us as soon as you can, we will all be worried.



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