Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

NEW SHOW: Did anyone watch the new CBS show Dogs in the City? I was really looking forward to this show, I thought it might give good tips on how to train your dog. The host of the show, Justin Silver is billed as a dog psychology expert - not sure how he came by this title. He is an ex comedian. The show was so disappointing. It just didn't give you any tips besides what is common sense and basic dog training. I'll give the show a few more episodes before I completely give up but it is not looking good.


END OF AN ERA: In other dog show news Cesar Millan announced this week that this will be the last season of The Dog Whisperer. I know Cesar gets a bad rap for some of his methods but I've learned a lot from his show. I think the biggest being the state of the owner directly effects the dog and consistency in training is key. I really enjoy his show even if I don't buy into every aspect of his methodology. Millan is working on a new show called Leader of the Pack "dealing with the important issue of dog abandonment and finding homes for unadoptable dogs."

MY WISH: I wish there was a dog training show that led you through activities you could do with your dogs to build the dog / human connection. I'd like to see basic obedience, tricks, sports and everything. They could have different guest trainers from all over the country. I really like watching Kikopup and Tab289 on YouTube. I love animal shows on TV because they are so mindless. You don't have to keep track of the characters, the plot line is obvious and you need no background knowledge. You can even miss the entire first half and enjoy the end.

GUILTY PLEASURE: I love shows with animals and people that live in rural areas. Some of the shows I like are, Call of the Wild Man, aka Turtleman, Swamp People, Rattlesnake Nation and Animal Cops Houston. My all time favorite guilty pleasure is Duck Dynasty. OMG I can't tell you how much I love this show. It amuses me to no end. I would love to spend the day with these people. Have 21 minutes? You can watch Duck Dynasty online HERE.



QUESTION: Do you have a favorite animal related TV show? What is your guilty pleasure TV show? Have you learned anything valuable from watching a dog training TV SHOW?

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I've never seen it. I just set it to record on the DVR. Thanks!

Love her!  thats me favorite training show too!

i did not see that program (we do not have cable) but I read a really bad review about it, stating that the "trainer" was giving bad advice. I tried to find the review but the link I had for it does not work anymore

Underwhelmed would be an understatement, I didn't even watch a full show and I am a sucker for that type of show.

Underwhelmed is exactly how I felt.

LOL...and I could not believe the woman who owned her own business and let her dog attack people as they entered or the model that allowed her dog to be attacked. I was underwhelmed, too.

I know! She seemed to have no clue that her models--who make their living (and thus hers) from their faces--might not appreciate a dog snapping and nipping at them. I like when he asked about biting and she said something like "Blood bites?"

She was an idiot, I thought. Yes....blood bites or other bites? What is the difference??

I barely watch TV at all, and never reality shows. (Well, except for American Idol, lol)

I'm really lald to hear that Cesar is working on a show "dealing with the important issue of dog abandonment and finding homes for unadoptable dogs." For my money, that would do a lot more good than the current show.

WTD? I meant "glad", not lald!

sure you did, karen... haha. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. 

I was very disapointed with the new show on cbs too. I didn't know that they were gonna end Cesar's show :(. 

My favorite animal show is probably Animal Cops.

My guilty pleasure is B******' Kitchen.

The biggest thing I have learned from dog training tv is to be calm, because the dogs can sense your feelings.



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