Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello, I just wanted to inform everyone that my sweet ZIggy unfortunatley passed away last week. About a month ago, he was being treated for "kennel cough" which in turn was actually congestive heart failure. When his "kennel cough" got worse 2 nights later, we rushed him to the VEC where they took chest x-rays expecting to find pneumonia and in turn they found a severely enlarged heart and fluid filled lungs. Ziggy was put on oxygen and iv's where they administered multiple heart medications and then we were transferred to Dogwood Emergency Center where we saw a cardiologist. The echo revealed that he was suffering from Dialated Cardiomiopathy which is genetic and kicks in as soon as they are born. His valves were super dialted and barely functioning. He was hospitalized for a couple days and then we had him on all the necessary, expensive medicines and he was doing great! We were told that with his case of heart disease, it could be weeks but generally we were looking at 6 to 9 months left of his precious life. Worst 48 hours of my life. Ziggy died very peacefully in his sleep one afternoon while my mom was watching him. She said that he let out his dreaming squeaks and my Mom tried to wake him from his dream, but could not get him to respond to her. He just kept dreaming away not making any noise. She got down on the ground, put his head in her hands, felt his fluttering heart, and then stroked his head and told him how much we all loved him. It was then that he opened his eyes and looked at her, as if to say "i love you too" and then went back to sleep but to never wake again. This has been the hardest week of our lives. The house feels empty.
I am curious if anyone else you know has had a doodle suffer from congenital heart disease? Ziggy never showed any signs, and they said they usually don't until their first bout of heart failure. He did pant A LOT but our vet always attributed it to all of his fur and that he was just a "hot" dog. He also was very laid back and had bouts of energy bursts, then he was just done playing. You don't really realize that these could be warning signs so I just wanted to share so that we could spread awareness.
I am interested in putting together a Ziggy Foundation to help raise money for research on prevention and CURE! Unfortunatly there is no cure at this point, trust me I asked everyone and everywhere. I would have done anything to save that dog but we did everything we could with all of the medicines. The Dogwood Veterinary staff/atmosphere/ technology/everything was marvelous and I highly recommend it to everyone!
I'm so sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking. :(
I'm so sorry about your loss. Ziggy was such an adorable doodle. I'm sure you are comforted that he was in loving hands and went peacefully.
Kristen, I am so very sorry ! Ziggy was well loved, and will be missed by his humans, hugs to all of you.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. About 5 years ago, the same thing happened to my small standard poodle Tyler. He had that "kennel" like cough. Tyler passed quietly laying next to his brother Rolly. When I had spokent to the vet (we see know) he told us this was common with the larger dogs, which our Tyler was considered.
Again, I am so sorry for your loss.......and it very difficult to deal with. Please know everyone here is here for you and are willing to listen at anytime. You were WONDERFUL parents and remember all those GREAT times (even though short) you had with Ziggy. He is looking down on you now and is probably telling you to not worry, he is no longer in pain and loves you VERY much for doing all you have done for him :) He will always be in your heart!!!
Kristen, I just read the news about Ziggy, and I am so very sorry. I just cannot imagine how this must be for you. I feel just heartbroken on your behalf, as well as you other family members, and your Mother. I wish there was something I could say or do. Hugs, Lauria
As I read your post the tears just rolled down my face, I am sorry for your loss. How lucky he was to have people who love him so much! My thoughts are with you and your family through this difficult time.
I am so sorry Kristen. What a sweet sweet boy.
So sorry to hear about Ziggy! You are a special person to be able to tell us his story and alert us to warning signs even while you are grieving. My condolences to you and your family. Ziggy will always be with you in your heart.
Kristen - I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. Your story is a very sad one. I am glad he didn't suffer terribly, but that doesn't help your heart. I don't know much about congenital heart disease, but I am learning about canine heart disease in general because Wilson (5 y.o. ALD) was diagnosed with degenerative mitral valve disease last fall and may suffer from congestive heart failure (CHF) eventually.
A Grade 3 heart murmur was detected by our vet and she sent us to Michigan State University last fall. It was confirmed with a cardiology appointment and echo cardiogram. Today's appointment was the follow up visit. Unfortunately, nothing has changed. In fact, his left ventricle is slightly larger than last time. The news could have been worse, but for me, it is still seems bad. Knowing my dog has heart disease, despite the healthy life he leads, makes me so very sad.
A medication was recommended today that *could* slow the progression of the heart disease, but there is no guarantee. Ultimately he may develop CHF no matter what we do. As to a cure, there is some promise on the horizon for Wilson's condition. There are 3 or 4 clinics in the US that are performing valve replacements. MSU just started doing them last fall (after my first appt). Their success rate is about 75%. It gives me some hope. But I fear the future.
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