Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There are many variations to this soon-to-be published report.  I'll just post this article.

retrieved 06/15/12

Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes.

"Shoes convey a thin but useful slice of information about their wearers," the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality. "Shoes serve a practical purpose, and also serve as nonverbal cues with symbolic messages. People tend to pay attention to the shoes they and others wear."

Medical Daily notes that the number of detailed personality traits detected in the study include a person's general age, their gender, income, political affiliation, and other personality traits, including someone's emotional stability.

Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style, cost, color and condition of someone's shoes. In the study, 63 University of Kansas students looked at pictures showing 208 different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants. Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes, and then filled out a personality questionnaire.

So, what do your shoes say about your personality?

Some of the results were expected: People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes, and flashier footwear was typically worn by extroverts.

However, some of the more specific results are intriguing. For example, "practical and functional" shoes were generally worn by more "agreeable" people, while ankle boots were more closely aligned with "aggressive" personalities.

The strangest of all may be that  those who wore "uncomfortable looking" shoes tend to have "calm" pe....

"Shoes have great variety of styles, brands, looks, and functions. Because of this variety, shoes can carry individual difference information, but do they? We suggest that the answer is yes," the study authors wrote.

And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take exceptional care of them, you may suffer from "attachment anxiety," spending an inordinate amount of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.

There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal types wearing "shabbier and less expensive" shoes.

The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personality traits, but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were revealing deep insights into their personalities.

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Good thought on the designer. Sadist in the extreme.

I LOVE EARTH SHOES and want another pair~   Love the toes, the feel...... and I do think they are making a comeback.

Okay, I do have to agree with you.  For ten years I've suffered from bouts of planters fasciitis.   I do think I would wear different shoes but nothing beautiful will I trade for that type of pain.  I keep hard- soled slippers at my bed and slip them on as soon as my feet hit the ground each morning.   I can never walk bare foot.  Nope, nothing is worth a few bad weeks on the feet.

So, comfortable shoes for me.  I will admire pretty shoes on someone else. 

Joanne - about 10 years ago I had planter fasciitis  - ouch but it finally went away.  Well this coming Oct. I will have had it back FOR 3 YEARS now.  I have the custom orthodics that I wear in my sneakers most every day and then some hard soled sandals, I never walk barefoot :(              It kills me because I adore shoes and now I can't wear most of what I own.  I am getting some relief from Rock Tape.  Guy at the running store turned me onto it and it doesn't look like it would do much but is really helping me!

I had it for nearly two years and tried orthodics and spent two months in an air cast even wearing it to bed.....I then got the "rocker" style sneakers, boots and flip flops and wore only those and within two months it was gone never to return again.   It worked for me...

I had the orthodics--made it unbearable.  It worked on the good foot and not the bad.  Keep in mind, I walk for a living.  I limped for months.  I then spent a lot more money on every shoe and gimmick possible.  Worse. I taped too. Ha!

I will have to find the perverted YouTube Video and post it here. Unreal. But it worked.  


It means you have very happy feet!

I love all these pictures Nancy.  And you had them handy.  Ha.  Do you have a foot photography fetish?  Hmmm?  LOL

I think there is probably some merit to this. But much of it is just just simple logic, similar to "wealthy people wear more expensive shoes".

I can't figure out the part about calm people wearing uncomfortable looking shoes. When I have uncomfortable shoes on I am anything but calm believe me!  I could believe that grumpy people wear uncomfortable looking shoes! :) What does an uncomfortable shoe look like to college students anyhow?

I see what you mean about the political reference! I could probably stir up a hornets nest with that one so I'm not even going to touch it! LOL!

Interesting study...

And what about arthritis? I might wear flat skimpy shoes if my feet allowed me. But although maybe I could afford more expensive shoes they are usually some designer type that would be comfortable if I cut off either parts of my foot or the shoe : ) So I'm not so sure any of this is valid but it's fun. I do miss Harry's law with her quote "Sling back, peep toe, do me like a dog shoes" quote.

Yes, my back starts complaining if I wear any shoe with over 1/2 inch heel on it! So I go with "practical and functional" whether I want to or not!

Here is mine from the Shoe/Personality Test, (actually it says "You are Bare Feet". No not Bear Feet Joanne!!!

You are a true free spirit, and you can't be tied down.
Even wearing shoes can be a little too constraining for you at times!

You are very comfortable in your own skin.
You are one of the most real people around. You don't have anything to hide.

Open and accepting, you are willing to discuss or entertain almost any topic.
You are a very tolerant person. You are accepting and not judgmental.

You should live: Somewhere warm

You should work: At your own business, where you can set the rules


Well, I DO like warm weather! :)

I got bare feet too! But thats not true, im almost always wearing something, even if its slippers. I have orthotics to help with back and neck issues, so I go for comfort every time. I find a pair that are comfortable, that I can walk/stand in for a long time, and wear that one pair til they fall apart. 

I like warm, but not hot! The rest is pretty true



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