Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello, I just wanted to inform everyone that my sweet ZIggy unfortunatley passed away last week. About a month ago, he was being treated for "kennel cough" which in turn was actually congestive heart failure. When his "kennel cough" got worse 2 nights later, we rushed him to the VEC where they took chest x-rays expecting to find pneumonia and in turn they found a severely enlarged heart and fluid filled lungs. Ziggy was put on oxygen and iv's where they administered multiple heart medications and then we were transferred to Dogwood Emergency Center where we saw a cardiologist. The echo revealed that he was suffering from Dialated Cardiomiopathy which is genetic and kicks in as soon as they are born. His valves were super dialted and barely functioning. He was hospitalized for a couple days and then we had him on all the necessary, expensive medicines and he was doing great! We were told that with his case of heart disease, it could be weeks but generally we were looking at 6 to 9 months left of his precious life. Worst 48 hours of my life. Ziggy died very peacefully in his sleep one afternoon while my mom was watching him. She said that he let out his dreaming squeaks and my Mom tried to wake him from his dream, but could not get him to respond to her. He just kept dreaming away not making any noise. She got down on the ground, put his head in her hands, felt his fluttering heart, and then stroked his head and told him how much we all loved him. It was then that he opened his eyes and looked at her, as if to say "i love you too" and then went back to sleep but to never wake again. This has been the hardest week of our lives. The house feels empty. 

I am curious if anyone else you know has had a doodle suffer from congenital heart disease? Ziggy never showed any signs, and they said they usually don't until their first bout of heart failure. He did pant A LOT but our vet always attributed it to all of his fur and that he was just a "hot" dog. He also was very laid back and had bouts of energy bursts, then he was just done playing. You don't really realize that these could be warning signs so I just wanted to share so that we could spread awareness.

I am interested in putting together a Ziggy Foundation to help raise money for research on prevention and CURE! Unfortunatly there is no cure at this point, trust me I asked everyone and everywhere. I would have done anything to save that dog but we did everything we could with all of the medicines. The Dogwood Veterinary staff/atmosphere/ technology/everything was marvelous and I highly recommend it to everyone! 


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I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Ziggy.

This is so very sad. I am so sorry for you and your beautiful Ziggy.  So very sorry.  I hope you can stay with us for strength to get you through this really tough time. 

Your Mom is a saint.  So glad she was there with Ziggy.  I'm positive it was peaceful and comforting to him.  Hugs to her and you.

Ziggy, may your days now be filled with fields to run in and balls to play with and you are in peace.

Even though your heart failed, by the looks of your pictures you never failed to fill the hearts of those who loved you so much   :)  You were a good dog, Ziggy.

I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Hugs to you and your family.

Kristen ~ I feel so sorry for you and your family at this difficult time.  Even though it must have been very hard on your mother, I am glad she was there with him when his time came - that had to be a comfort for him.  I have never had any experience with congential heart disease, but I think the foundation idea is a very good one.

Our sympathy is with you and your family.


I cannot thank everyone enough for their kind words during this terrible time. My fiance and I decided to get another doodle pup because our hearts ached so much. I have to keep trying to remind myself that he will never be Ziggy, that he is his own personality. I had adopted my ZIggy when he was 9 months and our new doodle, Bear (named after Ziggy Bear), is just 10 weeks. Oh my, he is a handful! I think my Ziggy crying fits have gone down to a controllable 3 times a day at this point but after reading all of these responses, I can't count today haha Thank you again and I am continuing to do research on starting some fund raising foundation to further study heart disease.

Glad to hear that you gleaned some comfort from all the words here.  I did have a Maltese who had congenital heart disease but he did live until he was 11 and it was not such a shock when the time came.  I think the fact that Ziggy's life was cut short that is so upsetting.

So, you have a 10 week old puppy, that will surely keep you busy and what a great name.  Do post pictures of Bear for us to see him and remember the puppy madness group here is terrific for those days when you feel like pulling your hair out. lol  It is precious having a young puppy though they grow up so fast so enjoy that puppy love.

Congratulations to you, DF and Bear! What a happy new beginning. hugs.

Congrats on your new family member! Thanks for the update!

Looking forward to seeing photos of Bear.  When we lost our standard poodle, it helped tremendously when we got Charlie.  He helped us heal.  Best wishes,

So glad to hear that you got a new baby!  Looking forward to seeing photos of Bear!

Kristen, so glad you got another doodle. He will definitely keep you occupied and your mind off Ziggy at least a little. There is really no comparison as Bear will be his own unique little guy. I think its pretty normal to do so though. I even found myself comparing Bella to Murphy when we first got her and finally had to let that go and just let myself love her own little personality.
Enjoy you little doodle baby.
Congrats on the new addition!



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