Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Both my doodles love to eat grass. They snack on it off and on, all day, everyday, all year long. We have two types of grass, summer and winter types and they don't have a preference. Just keep chomping away.
They do not vomit hardly at all. Bella does about once every few months, but there's usually a sock, paper, plastic, poop or some other non digestible item in there, but rarely any grass. They both poop out the grass regularly without any problems. I'm wondering if it's a diet /nutrient need of some sort???
Does anyone else have doodles who just like to eat grass, totally unrelated to self inducing vomiting?

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Tara eats grass and not to cause vomiting. She and the cat both are obsessed with a certain type of invasive, highly annoying grass that wants to take over my vegetable garden. Both of them make a bee line for it every chance they get as if it were puppy/kitty caviar. Neither of them seem interested in the yard grass. Only the obnoxious grass. I have know idea what the appeal could be.

Is the annoying grass longer. That's what my two single out.

Yes, it normally is longer F but even if I trim it way back the two of them will nibble on the stubs. I have a friend who has a lab and he has a pond on his property with the same type of grass growing near it. He says that even on very hot days his dog will stop to eat some of that grass before he even goes swimming. He loves it that much! I'm wondering if it has some addictive quality! I was going to post a picture of it in the Garden Group to see if anyone knows what it is as I have yet to identify it.

But  my former dogs who like eating grass were happy with yard grass but preferred it longer as yours do.

Some" addictive quality" !!! Oh no! Now I will need to start a "Grassaholic Anonymous" group too!

LOL!!! Tara would need to join but she has yet to admit that she has a problem! :) Maybe we need an intervention.


Both of mine nibble on grass whenever they find some that's long. Given that I never edge or weed whack or whatever that's daily. It has nothing to do with how they are feeling or throwing up either.

JD has never eaten grass, and my dogs in the past clearly did it to induce vomiting. I think it's interesting that so far, he is in the minority here. :)

Exactly. They find it along the fences too. Those summer days before we worried about ticks...

I had to remove the post because the pictures were so Gaddy Wompus.  I don't know why? 

Let me try one more time....

Odd.  I drug the pictures off my page. Since I deleted the above post, now the pics are gone on my page too.  Don't drag and drop pictures from your own albums into a discussion. Learned my lesson on that one.

If you can remember the wording of your post, I tried, you can probably Google it and retrieve you pictures. They are out there somewhere : )



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