Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Which prepares you for the other better? Dogs for kids? Or kids for dogs?

A fun article and a labradoodle is involved.

I tend to agree with the author because I find dogs exponentially easier than kids -- I thought having had dogs before kids was gonna prepare me a ton!  Ummm...not so much.  The joys and trials of kids is so very different to me.  Similarities are there but far more differences.  Much less sleep, much more worrying, much more creativity required in discipline, cant leave them at home, more laughter even because their antics and verbal abilities change so much in two years, and more!  With dogs, I could follow a training protocol and get consistent results for all pretty easily with help from  my trainer.  They happily lay at my feet or nearby, they don't ask for more then food and head massages.

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I would say that having dogs did prepare my husband and I for raising kids.  We got our first dog, Cody, 3 months after we were married.  It sounds funny, but Cody helped us learn each others parenting styles.  I learned to trust my hubby with our most precious possession - at that time, Cody :-)  Our 2nd dog, Dixie, joined our family when Cody was 5 & still no kids.  We learned that the same training does not always produce the same results.  When our daughter and son joined us, we would often say "well, she's like Cody - kind of shallow, but happy", or "he's like Dixie - he's sensitive and feels things deeply".

I agree with everyone that dogs are way easier than kids - you can't put a zap collar on a kid.

At this exact moment, I have to say that dogs are easier -- they don't pack up and leave for their first job following graduation and take half my heart with them!!

I'm having my own little pity party this afternoon! Truly, I wouldn't want it any other way!! Soar high, Timothy!

awww I'm sure it's not easy on him either

Ha, of course dogs are easier and NEVER I mean NEVER call your daughter by the name of your dog! OMD!

Sons don't like it much either : )

I call Blake by Rosco's name now and then. I think it is every mother's curse.

At least he's too young to object : )

Exactly - Nicole objects, Loudly! LOL

I'm just really happy that I raised three kids before Murph.  At least I had some preparation...if he was my first there would be no more...dogs or kids.  The kids were all a walk in the park.....walking Murph in the park, now that's a challenge.  Just the diet comparison.  On a bad day I could warm up a can of Spaghetti-os and they were happy....and they rarely threw up bile or had diarrhea.  Now I'm cooking boneless, skinless chicken with rice and sweet potatoes.  WTD?

Hmm, dogs prepared us because we couldn't just do whatever we wanted without thinking about them first, but that's about it! Kids and dogs are so different. Dogs are much less demanding, even the most needy are easier then kids. I love my kids and all that comes with them, but a puppy or dog is 10x easier most of the time. Making a good dog citizen is a lot less pressure than a human one! I appreciate that dogs never ask why, although my kids are pretty cute, even compared to our snuggly ball of fluff.

I think that dogs would prepare a couple who are totally care-free, independent, clean freaks and germaphobics a lot about having children. Breaks down a lot of those....."I would NEVER do this ....".....that's for sure. Teaches them how to think of something/someone other than themselves, which is huge for some young parents. People who have dogs seem more ready for more responsibility and adapt to it easier in my experiences. I see thousands of new parents a year and I do ask most if they have a dog so that they can bring something of the new baby's home first, so they will get used to the scent in their home, so I do see a difference. Never thought of it this way, but now that you mention it I will probably ask parents this.

I think it's a given that dogs are easier. But in preparation terms, I'd rather a parent learn some responsibility and life changing skills,  and make some early mistakes, with a dog, rather than a child. 

Ask me in a year, LOL.  I would like to think I am better prepared than someone who has NEVER had a pet to take care of. I have friends that are first time parents that have not ever had a dog (on their own) and the baby has rocked their world.  At least now I have responsibility for two lives and we cannot stay away from home for more than a few hours...we have to take them to appointments, feed them, find a place for them if we go out of town, etc...  Some people have NOTHING tying them down before kids.  I'd like to think the dogs may ease our transition to human parenthood, if that makes sense. 

I love my dogs so much I have wondered how much more I can love something.  My MIL and mom both say "just wait until you see Charlotte's face".............."you think you love the dogs??"  ha.



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