Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
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I have no idea about shaving puppies so perhaps other people will be able to chime in. I just know that a lot of us keep our doodles hair short, especially over the summer. Perhaps keeping the puppy inside the house with plenty of water in this heat would work better? Congratulations on your new house, that must be exciting!
I would not shave a pup. They are too new to this world and I think it would be stressful. They are likely to get sunburned since the skin is more delicate in a pup I'd think . We just discussed this in the comments section of the grooming group.
Oops, I think I may have said this wrong. I'm thinking of trimming him down instead of shaving, so there is less fur to make him hot, and less fur to get dirty.
I agree that shaving would be too much stress for a puppy that young but cutting him down should be okay. I would go slow and easy with it though as scissors, combs, etc are all new things to him.
There is some disagreement on DK about whether cutting down the coat has any cooling effect. Some believe that a thicker, longer coat actually helps to insulate them from the sun and heat. Here is a link to a recent discussion about cutting the coat down for summer:
The length of the dog's coat is purely your choice but it should not be so short that the dog sunburns. There have been some studies that point out that the longer coat keeps the dog cooler, but there are many who disagree.
I understand about the dirt but didn't you think of that when you chose to get a dog? We have a doggy door and I finally realized that as long as it is open I have messy floors. Oh well.....
I 100% disagree with the leaving the hair longer and thicker being cooler. We have done it both ways and Daisy is much more comfortable with shorter (not shaved) fur. We keep her at about 1/2" in the summer and 1-2" in the winter.
I would just cut the hair shorter on a puppy. We took Daisy in at 16 weeks for her first groom to get her used to it and they cut her short but not too short.
I am glad you clarified that --shaving sounded so extreme! You can ask for a 1 inch cut and that will probably be enough but 3/4" might be preferable too. They are not puppies very long and that soft puppy coat is easier care sometimes than the adult coat! The big thing is to get the hair on the bottoms of his feet trimmed out short between the paw pads so that he is not dragging in dirt like a dust mop--that could be where most of the debris is coming from. Some people also teach their dog the word "shake"--by saying it whenever they shake naturally, then asking for and waiting for a shake at the door--that can keep a lot of dirt out too. I have stone paths to my door that the dogs need to walk over to come in and alot of the dirt falls off on their way into the house. BUT, all that said, there is plenty of dirt coming in with three dogs--
Just a thought - your pup won't look like this for long. Doodle adults often look NOTHING like they did as pups and your pup is adorable. Doodles go through different stages as they mature and some doodle pups go through a gangly stage when, well to be honest, they just aren't very cute. I would trim your pups feet and the hair between his pads (this will take time and patience), this will cut down the amount of dirt he tracks in the housen. You'll be amazed at how quickly he changes and if you give him to much of a haircut, you might regret trimming away his puppy fuzz :-) My 2 goldendoodles are kept somewhat short because they bring too much of the outside inside, but I see their puppy pictures and sometimes wish for that sweet puppy fuzz again!
Please don't shave or trim the puppy hair though you can do the paw pads and nails and perhaps the hair over his eyes. I taught my puppy to stand on the mat when he comes in from the garden and lift each leg for me to dry his feet when it's wet outside. Your puppy is growing and his hair is developing to the point before his adult coat comes in. Puppies get used to bathes and it is really important to get him used to being groomed and bathed from a young age. Doodles generally need lots of grooming, puppies can get into a mess but that's part of the fun/work and I would urge you to go to the doodle grooming group on this site where there is lots of great information about grooming.
Thank you so much:) I think I have decided not to trim him at all and just keep his fur the way it is. I really appreciate all the feedback, it was extremely helpful.
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