Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The Companion Animal Parasite Council has produced new maps to show the prevalence of certain parasites in the US. There is also a lot of information on various parasites including life cycles, diagnosis of infection, prevention and treatment.  Here is a link:

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This is very interesting and useful, F! Thanks for posting!

I found it interesting that the prevalence of heartworm is high in Alaska. But all states have them.

What was interesting to me was that in my own area, out of all the parasites listed, the highest incidence was for tick-borne diseases, yet I have never seen a tick and that's the one I worry about least. On the other hand, heartworm, which I do worry about, was low for my area.

Wow. This has been on my mind. This week, we traveled around a bit with Spud, and although most places were nice, some places were awful. I imagined parasites in many of the water ways we found ourselves visiting :(
The next few weeks will tell. Certainly this is good information for many situations.

Yikes!  I hadn't even heard of some of these baddies.  Thanks, F.  I think.  :)

Thanks F, yes it confirmed my worries about heartworm...not so good down South!  THis is why I freak when i am one day late with medicine!

Thanks for posting this F., it actually reminded me that tomorrow is Daisy's  Frontguard + protection day and the 23rd is her Heartguard day. Apparently the only thing we are low risk for in OH is the Lyme disease, all others are moderate.

Weird how on Roundworm WV was all by itself in high risk, wonder why?

No clue but all worms are high in WV. Must be a worm friendly place.

Thanks for posting this--it's done very well. Plus, you get an up-close-and-personal example of all of the parasites. Now I see where whipworms got their name!

Did I miss something?  I'm trying to find Giardia.   We were in the worst river canoeing the other day.  Just awful. We were stuck out there all alone for 14 miles.  Awful.All I could see where parasites in my mind.   I will not be surprised if I do end up with sick dog  :(   Please wish us well.

Yes, Giardia is my biggest scare. Monty has had it at least 3 times by now. And I don't even know how he gets it, we don't go swimming with him.

They usually get it from standing water, or from the waste of other infected animals. Even a puddle in the yard can contain giardia cysts. They drink from it, or they walk through it and later lick their feet. Dog parks, communal dog runs, day cares, anywhere that an infected dog has elimiated, another dog can pick up giardia this way.

Lots of dogs keep getting reinfected due to the fact that the giardia cysts can survive outdoors pretty much forever, even through freezing temperatures. They can live in soil and even on concrete. So if an owner doesn't bleach the areas where the dog eliminated while the infection was active, he can get reinfected.



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