Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Time to use your imagination to make up a game in the Doggie Olympics
- snatching treats from toddlers hands
- best roll of something dead and stinky in the yard
- most turns (the spins) when biting and chasing their tail
-also in that catagory,, most turns before taking a poo

Okay, your turn

Of course/ those of you with cats may want to add a game. For example: Litter Boxing!

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Ned has no patience for counting squares; he grabs the whole roll, pulling it off the holder!

Finding the new treats or toys hidden in the closet or drawer......that's Guinness's specialty.  He will get them even if it means climbing on furniture and chewing through packaging. 

Good one, Jane!  With maybe a special segment for toys under couches or beds, or on tables that need to be stared at or whined at until mom gets crazy enough to fetch them.

Oh yes, the clawing, scratching, whining about the toy or tiny morsel of food under the couch. That is an Olympic event in the making for sure!

And don't forget items hidden in purses and pockets. I know Guinness would take the gold in that event for sure!

Stanlee is currently an Olympic contender in the following events: Laying Spread Eagle Right Where You’re Working, Furniture Moving Wrestling, The Excitable PeePee  Dribble, The LOOK AT ME Stare, Underwater Bubble Blowing, and The Time To Feed Me Upright Walk.

Underwater Bubble Blowing sounds cute!

Murph could for sure win a gold medal in Turd Hurdling..... Murph hates poo!  If I throw his frisbee (another sport he can medal in) and he thinks there might be poo anywhere in his path he will take the long way around or literally jump the poo.  He even runs away from his own poo as soon as he goes potty.

Right now the boys are practicing their sychronized napping  :)


LOL Murphy!!!   That's hilarious!

LOL! Love the synchronized napping!!! Murph sounds like he's good for Gold in the 400 Meter Turd Hurdling Event!

How about Kitty stalking/chasing?

Chloe is great at this one Sherri!



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