Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My DH bought me an iPad yesterday...I am pretty excited as I have never had one but I haven't even taken it out of the box yet.  Although I am starting to wonder if he is trying to send me over the edge as I am the most un-tech savvy person in the world and his gift of an iMac and PS CS5 is just about to send me to the looney bin...LOL.  Just wondering what some of the favorite apps are, what you love about your iPad if you have one, and any cool accessories I should get.  He did buy me the smart case for it but I don't like it and am going to return it and get a more stylish leather one.  He also got me a camera connection kit with a card reader which I think is very cool.

After my playdate at the pool with my favorite 3 year old today I am going to open the box and get started!    Hmmm...come to think of favorite 3 year old is a computer genius..maybe I will ask her what she loves about her iPad..LOL.   Thanks for any cool advice on apps and "stuff".

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K.....found u and waiting. I am 2dudes. Game on. Me 22 u zero.

I'm doris_l on WWF.  I'm always 2nd place, so I'm a good one to practice on : (

Not true.

K. Just started a game with you Doris!
Doris, I just downloaded WWF, how do I find you?
Oh I found you. Just started my first game with you. I am a WWF virgin . Lol

Yay!  Sue!  I was wondering who that was!  Please go easy on me...I only possess half a brain...just ask my kids...

Oh gosh, 2dudes is merciless! I haven't even played scrabble for about 20 yrs, so with an old brain and half a brain, we should be pretty equal! Lol

Sorry but I don't think WiFi would do you much good there : )

I have a MAC so putting pictures onto the iPad is seamless with iPhoto. I have not had a PC in so long, I forget how to use it. Actually with the cloud anything taken on my phone goes right to the Mac and iPad. Sorry I cannot help.
I believe you can open iCloud in your laptop or desktop and put the pictures from that computer into the cloud and they will go to all your devices. The iCloud only saves 1500 at a time and then deletes anything over 1500 so you will want to save them into albums in your iPad too. Anything you photo stream goes to your iCloud as well, from your iPad camera or iPhone if you have one. I think I explained that correctly. But apple does have amazing customer service and can answer all your questions. You can take free classes at an Apple store too. I love my iPad, but there are limitations. No documents, no word, but there are apps for most anything. My favorite is Pandora Radio, kindle, and ofcourse Doodlekisses!



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