Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Can anyone explain the DK point system and how it works? I have searched and didnt find any answers anywhere. How do you get points, what are the different levels and what do you do with the points?

Also does anyone know if its possible to remove pictures posted to my page?

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Lori, If you go to your page and click on your points it should tell you how your points add up. I think if you go to your pictures and find the picture you want to delete, you should be able to hit options and then delete photo. I hope this helps.

I often wondered the same thing about our points.  Is there an outline that tells how many points you must have to be in each level?  For many more points must I have before I am "graduated" from "Frequent Doodler" to the next level...and what are all the levels called????

Thanks Laurie! I can see how the points add up but is there a place to see the different point levels?

Lori, I did not know the answer, so I am glad Adina chimed in with more information. I went to page 6 in the discussion she posted and copied this information. Hope it helps.

500 points = Doodle Admirer
1000 points = Socialite
2000 points = Frequent Doodler
3000 pts = Doodle Fancier
4000 = Doodle Enthusiast
5000 = Doodle Lover
6000 = Doodle Fanatic
7000 = Doodle Crazy
8000 = Hopeless Doodle Addict

Thank you for posting this.  I was wondering about the points too! 

I don't know of a way to see a list of the different levels and the number of points needed to attain them.  I think the Hopeless Doodle Addict level is 8000 points and that is the top level . Not sure how many are below that one though.

If you read through this very old discussion when I announced what we'll do with the points you'll understand: -- be sure to read through at least page 6 as there is more info added along the way.

Thanks to everyone for the info about the points. It helps to see what goal we are working toward. Thanks to Adina for all your hard work! This is a wonderful website!!!

BRINGING BACK A SUPER OLD DISCUSSION... how do you all feel about the point system.  Would you like to see it come back?  Any changes?  I think it would be fun to have it back, but I want to get your opinions DK Magic!

I love that idea! It might just get people more involved again!

I'd love to have it back. And our emojis. And gifts. 

That was such a fun, added part of DK. I especially liked seeing pictures of folks opening their gifts!



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