Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since we haven't done this for EVER, I was expecting this influx of photos, but as I look I only see 21 photos for the new slide show theme for this coming week.  And this is with some people sneaking in TWO of one doodle...Ruh Roh!  Where are all the proud doodle parents???


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I didn't get the email. I checked my spam and it wasn't there either. Could you please email me the theme for the slide show? Thank you, Robin

Sorry Robin, I didn't see your request until just now.  If you read through the previous pages you'll find the info...always read through the responses to discussions because often more info will be added later or others will ask the same questions and get them answered.  There are ways to be sure you get the emails and all that info is included here too.

What do we have to do to send you a picture of our baby?

Hi Jane, read this thread, the info is in there.

But it's for next time, whenever that is. Adina usually sets a cut off time. We rarely get to submit lately since Adina just selects photos herself.

Orange tag


Elizabeth, this is not where you submit photos for the slideshow and not how you tag them. Go to the Help section to get the information. This is an old discussion about a past slideshow.

Elizabeth...  Pull up your pictures and at the top of the screen it should say options, click the options button, it should then give you a tab that says "add tag" the add tag button then type in the word orange or whatever tag you wanting pictures added too.  and click save...


Hope this helps...

Another Elizabeth LOL

Should be one each of Stuart & Rooney - what more do you need!

This is an old discussion, lol. It's from August.



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