Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I don't know if anyone has ever suggested this before but I'm just wondering since people aren't allowed to advertise puppies or breeders on the main forum, why are members allowed to come on here to advertise their adult doodles? It's particularly irritating when it's a new member who only joined for this purpose and will be gone as soon as they find someone to give their dog to.


I think there should be a group for "owner rehomes" so people looking to dump their dogs can go there to make all their silly excuses and the rest of us don't have to see it and be saddened by it. And people looking to adopt adult doodles can go there and sift through the 'advertisements". All of these posts about rehoming supposedly perfect dogs makes DK a very sad place to come to sometimes. I came here to see pictures of cute doodles to liven up my crazy day at work, and instead I see another completely ridiculous rehoming post that leaves me sad and angry. I'm starting to feel like coming to DK is like gambling with my happiness, one day all is good, the next day, sadness and frustration.


I really don't know how other members, particularly those who have been here a long time, have managed to deal with this for so long, but I'm asking nicely could we please find a way to stop all this rehomeing nonsense on the main forum and let's get DK back to being the happy place it was when I first joined. pretty please? :)

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I think by guiding them to a specific group where all the re-homing information is and where some kindly gentle folk can answer with soothing words which may persuade them to change their minds is the way to go. Placing these discussions on the main page is just asking for trouble and the frustration we all feel at this subject will just get worse.  Perhaps we can ask those who were critical only a short time ago to run the group?

Laurie forgive me for being a sceptic but we don't even know if this was a real dog or a fictional one...I know it seems strange but why would the discussion be closed like that so suddenly.  All the suggestions were good ones or perhaps the poster just thought someone here will jump to the rescue and when they didn't just wasn't that bothered to go any further.

Good idea about having the more gentle/less emotional folk run the group. It was all I could do not to swear and scream horrible insults at the most recent one.

People who need/want to rehome their dog and aren't 'selling' it should be able to get the info they need right away--for the dog's sake. They will still post here 1st so you will see it if you visit DK often enough, anyway. If we send them 'somewhere else' it should be to DRC and IDOG--not a different group because that is still on DK, it is still in the Latest Activity, you will still see it. The dog needs to find a new home and sometimes SOON. Doesn't mean we can't put together a link called 'If you think you need to rehome your dog...' or whatever.
That's what I was thinking, we would still see it and posters on another group could get just as angry and judgemental as the main page if they want to vent, without giving them the info they need to help the dog. A link like "what to look for in a breeder" would be a great idea, with DRC and IDOG info on there.
And too in some cases, like with Utah, if this works out for my daughter, it will have made the world of difference to this dogs' life by posting on here, as we may know someone or even be looking to rescue another ourselves.

the link is a good idea. I'm happy to draft something with input from others. How do I do it?

I have often thought, particularly for Karen and food replies, that we need some kind of macros for replies. The same basic information gets typed over and over. It entails lots of repetitious work.

Amen, sister.

It would really be easier on this particular dog if someone did want to adopt him outright, or at least volunteer to foster. Another good option would be to help them locate a private rescue group in their area.

The reality is that most people looking for doodles do not want an 8 year old, especially when it is a very large dog,as we know that large dogs do not live anywhere as long as smaller ones. For a 100 lb dog, 8 years old is way up there.

And the majority of people who are looking to adopt a doodle are (unfortunately, IMO)  looking for non-shedding dogs, with females being a strong preference, and light colors, reds and browns being strongly preferred to blacks.

As we all know, small and medium sized doodles are in much, much greater demand across the board than very large doodles.

What this means is that it is likely going to take quite a while for any rescue group to find a home for a 100 lb black 8 year old male doodle who sheds, but it might take even longer for a doodle rescue to find a home for him, for the very reason that people who look for a dog in an all-breed rescue do not necessarily have a particular breed or type of dog in mind, while people who look for a dog with a doodle rescue do

Great point Karen. I'll put some of this info into the "So you're considering rehoming your doodle" link.

There are also groups that specialize in senior dogs only, and people who contact them know that the dogs are older and obviously don't care, that's what they want.

Petfinder lists all shelters and rescues within any geographical area, but state, city, etc. This is a great resource. You would be very surprised how many different groups may exist in your area. I was, and I'm involved with local rescue.  

I agree.

I was thinking about this and I have to disagree that people looking to rehome aren't 'selling'. They are selling something, they just aren't asking for any money. They are selling us the idea that their 'perfect' dog would be a great fit for our home. That's why they aren't honest about the flaws, in this case, a very untrained dog with behavour problems was advertised as the world's biggest sweet heart.  I consider that a sales pitch.


I understand the point about them needing to get the best info right away for the dog's sake. I guess that's the distinction between why we direct breeders or 'breeder recommenders' to a special group, and close the disucssion on the main forum and why you allow the discussions in these cases - saving a doodle from getting dumped at the pound or left in the wrong hands. 


I just wish there were some way to have special guidelines or instructions for people wishing to rehome their doodles on DK. I want these instructions to pop down out of the sky like magic when they first think about possibly thinking about rehoming their doodle. Can you make that happen Adina?





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