Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 5 month old labradoodle has just started shedding quite heavily.  He is an early generation (f2b) so not very curly/fleecy but I guess he could go that way.

He has a dense darker  wiry stripe along his back and when I pull this fur gently between my thumb and forefinger it comes out so I have been doing this and brushing him for the last week but now his coat is starting to look a bit thinner and slightly patchy....

Should I continue to pull out the loose hair or should I just leave it to come out naturally (all over the carpet & sofa)?


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Do you have a picture to show us what you describe and slightly patchy?

I'll be the odd one out here by saying, a slightly shedding doodle is much easier to care for ( grooming) than the doodle with no shedding at all.  A little bit of brushing ( yes do continue brushing) should take care of your problem.

Your puppy may be loosing the puppy coat, or you have a dog who sheds.   Many many of us have shedding doodles.

I would contact your breeder and ask why this is happening. Coat change is generally between 8 & 14 months but not exact. It's odd that it's pulling out in one area though. Good luck.

Doodle coats are constantly changing as they grow, and it's not just the change from puppy to adult coat, though.  Wispa's coat has gone through lots of changes, and hers was starting to looks like your doodle's coat, with wispy longer hair and a thicker under coat.  She hasn't started shedding, though. 

Just keep brushing him. I wouldn't call the breeder, though, not really sure what he or she could tell you.  Puppy coats change. 

IMO it is the beginning of the coat change for your doodle.  I would just keep brushing and brushing, making sure that you are getting all the way down to to skin.

cooper when through the change for a few months so i would think that it whats happening. bursh like crazy. Cooper also has more wirely fur along her back, still, at 3 yrs



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