Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
As of today, September 3rd, Doodle Kisses will be accepting photo submissions for our 2012 Doodle Kisses Labradoodle & Goldendoodle* Calendars. A lot of people get confused about where to send photos, etc. So as boring as it is, PLEASE READ EVERY WORD of these instructions. I won't track down everyone who does it wrong to correct things like I usually do.
We have created a list of photo requirements to help guide you in choosing an appropriate photo(s) of your doodle(s). Please be sure to read these requirements carefully so you choose high quality photos: -- this will help you avoid wasting time sending photos that will immediately be disqualified.
1) Read the guidelines for photos:
2) Send ONLY ONE photo PER EMAIL--I know this is tedious, but if you do it wrong I'll make you do it over :-/ It helps tremendously in sorting photos if you only send ONE photo per email. So if you have 1 photo you send one email. If you have 5 photos, you send 5 separate emails.
3) You may submit up to 5 photos PER doodle you own.
4) In your email include the following info:
5) Send to:
Deadline for Submissions: September 23rd, 2012---please bookmark this discussion or click "Follow" at the bottom of the thread to say up-to-date on any changes which DK Admin reserve the right to make at any time. It will be your responsibility to keep informed on this by reading through the responses to this discussion because these may contain clarification and additional tips. Selection of final calendar photos will be done by DK Admin and is subject to their best judgment
* Because Doodle Kisses was created for labradoodle and goldendoodle owners, our two main calendars will only feature labradoodles and goldendoodles (and double doodles/NAR's). However, our multi-doodle calendar will accept photos of other commonly accepted doodles like aussiedoodles. While we love all dogs, we have to stay true to our site's focus and will not include any dog that may have poodle in its mix. If you have a rescue doodle and are not sure what precise type it is...just take your best guess when listing the type of doodle your dog is.
**As always 25% of all Doodle Kisses profits will go to doodle and dog rescue organizations -- this includes profits from calendar sales.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
How do we know if our calendar submissions are received?
If you mailed them to the correct email address--then they were received. There really is no receipt. You won't hear anything for at least a month, maybe even more!
OK - forgive my ignorance. The pictures I sent are high quality and appear big on my screen. But I do not know if they are 200 DPI. What does 200 DPI I mean and how do I tell if a picture is 200 DPI? Is there a translation to megabytes. I know MB and KB. :)
Thanks for you Help.
Jewel and Linda
You can right click on the picture and view "properties". It will be under "details".
Certain members, you know who you are, asking about DPI. ***** If you crop, and you should only do this judiciously, the photos need a MINIMUM of 1800 x 2300 pixels when Adina submits them. It's better to leave a margin for error, Adina can fiddle with the size if she loves your picture and needs to crop a little. The more pixels the better IMO.
Here is last years discussion where I supplied all the info and links you ever should need.
I am now retiring from advice on calendars, after all it's about time and all further questions are referred to Laurie, Fudge and Vern. Vern is probably the best to ask.
Thanks, F. This answered a question for me--at least 1800 high x 2300 wide. Why am I thanking you??!! Just eliminated three I had hoped to send--I cropped them some time ago. :(
Sorry. You don't have the originals?
Well, it's not really your fault. LOL No, I don't have the originals. I thought these were okay as they were over 200 dpi, but they don't fit the 1800x2300. I have a couple or three contenders, though, so this really was valuable info for me.
If they are just shy of the pixels, it still could work. But if they are way off, might start to get fuzzy. If only things worked like in crime shows where you can zoom in on any photo and pixels were magically created with the right info!
Yes, Image CSI that would make all the photos work--that would be a great toy!
Some of the editing is getting close.
Thanks for the info, this was very helpful. All three of my submissions can be discarded as they do not meet the requirements. In fact i checked all of my pictures and none are over 180 dpi although some do meet the pixel requirements.
Time for a new camera I guess. There is always next year.
Jewel and Linda
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