Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I know I'm just an expectant mom and my puppy is less than 3 weeks old but I have written two emails with no response from the breeder (I have sent her my deposit already). She was quick to respond on initial inquiry and I spoke to her on the phone soon after that, but it's been almost 2 weeks since I've heard. I know she's busy but a quick reply would mean a lot to me. My question is what is the normal rate of communication between the breeder and you. How often did you get photos? Am I being too anxious? Do I need a good slap on my hand to just be patient?
Bless your heart, Patti. I am afraid you will get a wide variety of responses to this question as each breeder is different in their communication style. I know that our breeder is not responsive to emails, but the pups are well bred, socialized and healthy pets. It must be so hard waiting for news! I hope all goes well and that you get photos and answers to your questions soon.
Thanks, Bonnie. Actually you helped a lot to allay my fears. I just need to be more patient. The only photo I have is when he was 3 days old so was anxious to see how he's growing. The time will go fast (I keep telling myself).
Often the breeders post updates and photos on their websites.
She hasn't done this...I've been checking there too. lol Still says she has the same amount of puppies available as "before" I claimed one. I'm sure she's just really busy.
Oh man, I hated waiting on Daisy...that being said if I wrote her she would respond the very next day if not better. She did not however post new pictures, I had to be satisfied with the puppy one I saw when I fell in love. Fortunately we are only 3 hours away and we went up 3 times to see her. I am sure the breeder was happy when we finally took her home at 9 weeks.
Oh good idea. I'll try that. hehe
Problem is that I don't know WHICH puppy I will choose. She has 2 males for me to choose from.
Sue, I don't know who my puppy is yet. I want a male and there are only 2 males in the litter so that does narrow it down. I had mentioned to the breeder about traveling to see the puppies around 6 weeks old and she said their personalities wouldn't be out yet, that I could visit but she didn't recommend choosing one until I come to take him home. I hope when you visit your "litter" that one will stand out above all the rest as your's. Have fun tomorrow and don't forget your camera!
Oh, I'm trying to get the breeder to tell me what I need to have ready for when "Boone" (think that will be his name) comes home. I have read the lists on here and have a pretty good idea, but haven't actually bought anything yet. haha...get those carpets clean for peeing. so funny. At least I don't have to worry about that. My ex and I put tile in the whole house a few years ago, except for my son's bedrooms. We did it for his allergies and also because of the animals bringing dirt in from the yard (esp. when it rained), and for accidents. I hope I will be drawn to just ONE of the 2 males available...knowing me I won't be able to decide. It might be better to have the breeder choose. :-)
Hi Patti ~ We are also on a puppy reservation list and we receive updates with photos every Tues. This will be our 2nd doodle so I am not as nervous about arrival as I was on the first one! Does your breeder have a website (possibly there is info there as to what to expect). Two weeks does seem long for a response. Is it possible she did not get your communication? I know how you feel when you have made a decision and place a deposit, it is so exciting you just want to get prepared right a way!
I'm sure she got my emails unless she was too busy to get online. I used the same email address as I did on my initial contact with her and she responded the same day then. When I called her to let her know I wanted to put a deposit down she said she didn't have a lot of time to talk because they were busy that day. I'm not worried that she not a reputable breeder; she is a member of all the associations and lists them on her website. I truly think she's busy. She's a nurse but I'm not sure if she works but I imagine she probably does. I'm not very patient when it comes to emails because I try to respond as quickly as I can but I realize not everyone is like me.
She does have a website but nothing has changed on it in the last 3 weeks.
I just want to have time to have everything I need and not have to run out at the last minute to get stuff. PLUS, I want to see how he's growing!!! And, of course, I'm looking for a "hint" in the photos of which one I might want. LOL
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