Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I know I'm just an expectant mom and my puppy is less than 3 weeks old but I have written two emails with no response from the breeder (I have sent her my deposit already).  She was quick to respond on initial inquiry and I spoke to her on the phone soon after that, but it's been almost 2 weeks since I've heard.  I know she's busy but a quick reply would mean a lot to me.  My question is what is the normal rate of communication between the breeder and you.  How often did you get photos?  Am I being too anxious?  Do I need a good slap on my hand to just be patient? 

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She is probably very busy....taking care of all those pups takes a lot of time. My breeder was exceptional.....with Murphy I didn't get a choice really as I was last.....I actually was on a list for a different litter when she called to tell me Murphy was available. He wasn't the right size or the right color but I loved him the second she sent me a pic..he was 2 weeks old. Every week she sent pics,updates,weight,etc. For each pup. I was on a list for Wilson for an entire year....I got first pick and she even sent me video from her iPhone as they were being born. I also got to see them when they were still in mommas tummy. I got tons of pictures and updates for Wilson. I hope to add a third to our pack and wouldn't dream of any other breeder. Congrats on your new puppy!

Our breeder has been great. We've recieved at least one set of pictures each week since Bailey's been born. She takes the time to write a little blurb about the newest milestones the puppies are reaching with the picture updates. I've talked to her on the phone several times and have arranged our pickup date. We'll be staying at their bed and breakfast and be able to visit with the breeder and meet Bailey's parents.  (it's a 5.5 hour drive to our breeder) We had the option of her meeting us half way for a small $50 fee, but we chose to make a mini vacation out of it. We go to pick him up in 2 weekends! I hope your breeder gives you some feedback soon. I'd be beside myself with wondering about my pup by now. Hang tite, you're a more patient woman than I am!

I did get to see the puppies yesterday and they are all so cute.  Eyes open but still unstable on their feet.  I held them all after a thorough scrubbing and disinfecting of my hands.  Shoes stayed outside.  Momma and babies were very good.  I will have one of two females. One is chocolate with a white tip on her tail and little white slippers on, the other is a gorgeous parti, white with brown markings.  The breeder is keeping the third female.  I could not chose between them if I was forced to.  I am depending on these breeders to chose the puppy with the disposition and characteristics I am looking for.  The breeder had 5 other dogs there besides the puppies and there was not a smell of dog anywhere. No running, jumping or barking. I never experienced such a laid back calm atmosphere.  It was a wonderful experience.  Now if I can wait for a month to go again.  LOL

How exciting, Sue!  One of those Doodle babies will be yours.

That's brilliant. Now your mind is at ease it's just the waiting....

Oh how exciting. Were you able to take some pictures while you were there?

Still no word back from the breeder.  I gave her the weekend.  I will give her until tomorrow before I call her.  The puppies are 3 weeks old today.  Maybe she is waiting for the 4 week mark before taking new pics.  I almost feel like I've been scammed but I know I haven't.  :-(


Call or email her now.  Who cares about the pics, I would just want an update on how they are doing.

Well 2 reasons.  First I'm at work, and second I forgot my phone today.  lol    Usually I get important calls on the rare occasion I leave my phone at am hopeful I will have a message from her.  Thanks.


Haha!  Well keep us posted.  Really, even if she doesn't have time for pics, she can respond via email or to a phone call.  Good luck!

I don't know what to do now.  I emailed my breeder yesterday asking for an update on the puppies and also a new pic.  Remember I haven't seen photos since he was 3 days old and he is now over 3 weeks old.  I haven't heard from her since she deposited my $300 deposit.  This morning for some reason I wondered if there were any reviews on her online (I know I should have done this previously).   I couldn't find any until I included "BBB" in the search engine.  There was one BAD review.  Very bad.  Turns out she has several websites for different breeds.  I thought she only bred Goldendoodles based on the website I had found.  The reviewer claimed he didn't get what she advertised.  I'm really worried now.  I don't want to buy from someone who is in it strictly for the money with tons of dogs.  Her website led me to believe she raised the puppies in her home and was a small, reputable, family business.  I've half a mind to just forfeit the deposit and go elsewhere.  How can I trust her now?  No wonder she has no time to respond to my emails.

Just checked out the Better Business Bureau of Nashville and checked her out.  She has no complaints there, but it also states she is not a member.  Funny that on her website she has their emblem, leading you to believe she is a member.  I knew I had a bad feeling about this.  I should learn to trust my instincts.



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