Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! I posted this in the Puppy Madness Group a few weeks ago, but I wanted to post it in the Forum as well to get additional input from doodle owners who have survived this stage :)

It's hard to believe, but our Duncan Doodle is 7 months old. We have been through a ton of phases with this guy during his short life - some were obviously worse than others. We have overcome the puppy nipping, crating drama, potty training woes and more.

Now I come to you for advice on what I hope is "typical" doodle behavior for a doodle of this age. It seems as though Duncan had finally realized how big he is, because he is getting into EVERYTHING. He jumps up to steal from all surfaces (tables, counters, mantels, etc.) he makes a beeline for the trashcan whenever he enters a room so that he can pull paper products from them and zip through the house. He doesn't really "listen" to what he is told to do.

We did basic obedience with him when he was younger, and we have recently enrolled in an intermediate "adolescent" class. I am wondering though if others have gone through similar a experience and if it was more of an "age" thing, or some tips for handling these nutty behaviors?


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Cooper never went through this stage.  After the Puppy nipping stage, he became a well behaved and laid back Dog.  I think this was mostly due to the fact that he was raised with my mature Golden Retriever, more so than any special training. My Rescue Labradoodle, Claire is two years old, and will do some of the things you describe when left alone.  I think Duncan is really cute, and I love his name.  I hope a little more training calms him down.

Definitely an age thing.  This is the age when they start trying out various forms of independence and defiance.  They test limits and see what works for them.  As far as 'listening' to what you tell him to do...a puppy class alone simply won't 'train' a dog.  To really complete training a dog needs quite a bit of practice doing things that you tell him to do and around distractions, training where YOU test HIM (instead of the other way around).  Puppy classes usually stop at teaching.  Teaching is showing the dog what various words mean and how to respond to those words (sit, down, come, etc).  But truly training a dog means training him that he must respond in a certain way to what you tell him to do at all times, not just when it is most convenient for him.

Thank you, this is encouraging! I am trying to get in the habbit of making him "work" for things (like having him sit before I throw his ball) so that he understands he has to do what I ask or he doesn't get what he wants. I am hoping this helps!

P.S. He's super handsome!

Are you talking about that sweet looking boy in the photo? LOL  He looks like an angel to me!


LOL! Don't they all?

Adorable Duncan is indeed behaving normally for a 7 month old. I am so glad you have enrolled him for further training. He needs to have his training reenforced. It will not take as long as the first time to get a handle on his behavior issues but it is essential. I absolutely love the photo of Duncan!

He is so sweet and innocent looking. Surely you can't be talking about this incredibly cute doodle! I just wonder how you can get upset with such an adorable face. ;)

Normal, normal, normal!! And, Duncan is a beautiful dood!

What a cute that innocent expression.  This is definitely the age where my Murphy started testing everything.  I assume that Duncan has been spayed...that's the first step.  After that I think it's all about training, consistency and reinforcement.  Have you joined our training group....there's lots of good information there.  If you post in that group about specific training concerns or questions, there are lots of members who can share their experiences and insights with you.

His behavior is totally normal, my Sasha was a crazy girl then when I got Oliver when she was 10 months old she became the calm one and Oliver took over.   You have to be persistant in your training, you are the boss not Duncan.  When he does something you don't want him to do you need to correct him immediately, he will eventually get it just dont give up.  He is still in the crazy puppy stage and will mature in about a year or so.  BTW - I love his picture - he has such a cute expression on his face that says "are you talking about me ???"

Did you say "mantel"?! I'm still stuck on that! LOL He is adorable! I think it's normal, Jack did some of this, he seemed to go in phases. He'd do some bad thing (like bite the blooms off the flowers) for a few weeks and before you knew it, it was a thing of the past and he had no interest in it any longer. And then there's training!



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