Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Shiloh is very friendly to everyone and pretty submissive. He wags,sits down and loves everyone's attention.
But...when Shiloh does not know what some object is- he will bark/growl at it until he is over his fear. I then bring him right up to that object-to get him over that fear.
What I do not think is normal is he is now barking or even low growling at people HE KNOWS in the same way-but ONLY if they are a block away or at the end of a long hallway. Its almost like he does not know who they are?? when they get close he stops barking and starts wagging. He just turned 2 and he started doing this barking recently.
Do you think this is an eye problem? or does anyone else have an idea? I am redirecting him
when he growls/barks-but its embarassing when he barks at people he knows. They respond "Shiloh, you know me!" Thanks for your time and any suggestions. I plan on taking him to vet for an eye exam.
Vern does this same thing and I have often wondered if he needs glasses. I will be interested to see what happens in Shiloh's eye exam. Personally, I think Vern and Shiloh are guarding us until they know it is safe. I only issue a correction when I think it is inappropriate growling. If we are getting gas or something and he growls in the car at someone walking to closely to the car, I feel like that is appropriate and I never say anything. If we are at the vet and someone walks in the door and he growls, I don't like that and make him stop. We have had company in the house and I think they catch Vern unawares sometimes....maybe he forgets they are here....and he will bark when they get up, until he realizes he knows them. I have never had a male dog before and I think it has something to do with that and that he is just very protective of us.
Actually my Guinness also does this when people are at a distance. My trainer doesn't think it's anything to be concerned about. He feels that even if they "sort of" recognize the person they can't read their "energy" from a distance, so they aren't sure if they are a threat. As they get closer they realize that everything is fine and so they just get "happy excited". He does suggest that we at least verbally correct and make sure that the dog is not allowed to be in front of us or pulling toward the person. The message we're trying to convey is "you don't have to worry, because I'm here and I've got your back". That alleviates their desire to be in charge and thereby eliminates the fear. It's great that you're confidently bringing him over to the object.
My dogs bark at Clark, neighbors they love, anyone if they see the people outside through our windows. And if anyone is outside of the front door, gate, they bark bark bark as if it is threat. The second that person is inside our territory they are all crazy happy. I think it's just the out-of-context thing.
I appreciate the made me feel better. I will update the site if doctor does find anything with his eyes.
I guess he is more normal than I thought. :)
Riley barks even at my partner until he walks through the door and then it's excitement and lots of wagging tail and waddling with joy. With strangers he may bark for a few seconds until his curiosity and need to meet and greet get the better of him. He only does this at home and never in the car.
Lots of dogs recognize by smell and can't use that important sense at a distance--once they get a "whiff" they recognize the person. My dogs do the same thing.
Since he just started this behavior recently, I think it is a good idea to take him for an eye exam. If nothing else, your vet may have seen this kind of behavior before and could offer solutions.
It doesn't sound like guarding behavior because if it was he wouldn't necessarily stop even when he recognized the person. I can tell you from personal experience that a dog that guards can be a problem.
Ned does this sometimes. He didn't start it until he was 2 1/2. He even growls or barks at my kids when they walk in the door ( a real bummer when the one who lives here still comes home late at night!) I hate it because I don't like barking, but I have found, for Ned, it doesn't really mean anything.
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