Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I've been wanting to take my puppy to the dog park...I'm just not sure if he's ready. He's 7 months old, but he hasn't spent a lot of time playing with adult dogs. He mostly plays with other puppies and he definitely plays like one. He does annoying puppy things like jumping on other dogs' faces wanting to play and doesn't get the message that they aren't interested...I usually have to pull him off. He also runs around like mad, inviting other dogs to chase him. His recall also isn't that reliable when he's around major distractions. Another thing is, at 27 lbs, he would be allowed in the small dog park but he plays like a big dog. He's probably too rambunctious to play with the little guys, but I'm worried his puppy behavior would not be well received by big, adult dogs. I don't want him to get hurt, but I'd like for him to play with other dogs more than once a week at puppy social. When did you take your puppy to the dog park for the first time? Did your puppy have good recall yet? What was your experience like?
My puppy's trainer cautioned me about dog parks for several reasons. Puppies can be traumatized at this young age if they have a bad experience and if they haven't learned manners may cause problems with adult dogs. Also she cautioned about puppies that aren't neutered as some males may get aggressive with them. Two months ago I decided to check out my local dog park and proceed carefully. Mojo wasn't neutered yet ago so I was cautious. I got there and there were 2 female standard poodles and Mojo (4 months old at the time weighing 24 pounds) played really nicely with the 2 females running and chasing and some kissing for about 20 minutes, than a lab/pit bull mix a month older came and was all over Mojo and playing very rough, it seemed like Mojo wasn't really enjoying it that much so I decided to leave. Another time in another dog park I watched outside the gate sizing up the dogs, a few looked a bit aggressive so we didn't go in. The next day at yet another dog park I again watched at the gate and felt good vibes so in we went. There were about 15 dogs and some in groups and other running all over. Mojo found a few dogs to play with and they were having a fantastic time. Across the park two dogs got into a fight, I grabbed Mojo and leashed him as a few other people did with their dogs. The dog that started the fight was taken out of the park and the play continued. It was such fun for the dogs and us adults as well. Mojo is now 6 months old and I intend to go back to parks as soon as he is healed from his neutering, but observe outside the gate first and than decide if we should enter plus I will really watch him every moment. Some owners are not responsible, one woman was talking on her cell phone oblivious to her mean growling dog, he pooped and someone had to tell her, so just be on the alert. Work on recall so if a problem your puppy will come to you and you can leash him and get out of the park. Good luck and have fun.
Murphy and I have been regulars at the dog park since he received his series of shots. He LOVES it and yes, acts like an annoying puppy (40+ Lbs today and 6 months) BUT when he gets too annoying to other dogs, they let him know. And you are correct, I become part of the wallpaper at the park. He barely knows I'm there until he does a quick drive by to get a drink of water UNTIL he is exhausted. Then I'm worth a visit for a nice pet and ear scratch. He is also a very bit hit with the people who tell me that he looks like a Smurf. I think you would be very safe to venture to the DP.
Denise (and Murphy)
We started going to the dog park with Luna when she was 12 weeks old (when the vet said it was safe for her to interact with other dogs). Our park is a little different than most in that it's more of a nature trail than a small fenced-in area, so you can easily avoid dogs you don't want yours interacting with.
It's also a great learning experience for a puppy - the adult dogs will teach puppies when they've gone "too far" in their play.
For us, we used it as a training opportunity for recall. Since we knew she was in a new situation and was a bit clingy, we used it to our advantage and called her often and rewarded her generously every time she came back.
Don't be afraid to step in if you feel a dog is playing too roughly with yours or you think a situation is escalating. Do NOT reach your hands in to pull off a dog who is attacking yours; either body block or use a loop of your leash to pull them away. Often a firm "NO!" will work wonders too, remember these are all someone's pet dogs.
We've gone to dog parks since Wispa was 11 weeks old. She loves to rough play with other dogs, but she'll back off a dog who growls at her for being too obnoxious. It's really important that they learn to play with other dogs at a young age, but at 7 months it's a little late to be socialising for the first time. Dogs learn from each other when they play.
The way I see it, if you go to a dog park, you're expecting your dog to interact with other dogs. That means rambunctious play a lot of the time. Wispa is 35 lbs and she plays with small dogs sometimes, but it's always fine, and she's usually the submissive one after they chase each other around a bit and jump all over each other.
If it's not an enclosed area, I wouldn't suggest going off lead unless your puppy has good recall. Wispa is great with recall, we trained every day several times a day from when she was really young, with a training line and a harness, and slowly she got to learn when to wait and come. It took a couple weeks, but she's totally off lead since she was 20 weeks. Work on the recall a bit, but let him play with dogs without worrying too much, and slowly let him off lead a bit more. If an older dog doesn't want a puppy to play with him, he'll be warned off. Be prepared to pull your puppy back if he doesn't listen to the other dog, though.
Almost all dog parks require all pups be at least 4 months old and have all their shots.
We did enjoy dog parks but I prefer a known group of dogs to play with. If you have a fence, have a dog party. Invite some over.
Traz (male) will be 6 months old on 11/8/12 and weighs 40 pounds. We have been going to the fenced dog parks for about 1 month now. We visited several parks in our area to check them out. Be sure to read the rules for each park as they can be different for each one. Most of the parks we've visited require your puppy to be at least 4 months old, but one said 6 months old, and be up to date on their shots. Traz had a bad experience in the very first park we visited when 2 dogs came at him; one nipping him. We left immediately and reassured him that it was ok because we didn't want him to be afraid to socialize. We found another park that we thoroughly enjoy with tanbark and very little dirt. This works great for a white dog. Like someone else mentioned, watch your puppy and see how he and/or the other dogs are interacting with each other. Unfortunately, there are people that don't watch their dog and sometimes they can get too aggressive.
As to how our puppy plays....our trainer & breeder said it is normal for puppies to do the rough and tumble play...just like what they did with their litter mates...sniff, lick, play bite and hump a little bit. It's all part of the puppy learning what they can and cannot do in the dog world. If your pup gets too rambunctious with a dog, the dog will let him know. As long as the other dog isn't being aggressive in the "telling", your pup is fine. Growls and bark are ok, yelps (if they are in pain) are not. If their owner doesn't like the way your dog is playing with theirs, they will let you know too. With Traz's bad experience, he yelped and ran to us for protection. That is how we knew, it was not safe to have him in that particular park. Just listen to your pup and your own instincts. You'll find the right park for you and your precious pup. Good luck with your hunt :-)
Oh yeah, on the recall part...nope...usually have to go get him and attach the leash before he is ready to leave...especially if he has found a buddy. It's all good though...if he's having fun and we are too, it's a good day at the park.
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