Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

From everything I have read online states that from 8-11 mo the Labradoodles hair can be very matted. I am now experiencing this. I fear after hours each day of combing and dematting I may have to shave my sweet girl until she gets through the awkward hair growth time frame. Does anyone have any advice for me? I do my own grooming and she looks fabulous but under her chin and around her neck is the problem area. I fear it is too late and too much maintenece to just give a trim. Also she suffers from skin allergies and hot spots in areas that are not matted. I welcome any advice offered. Thank you!


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Do you have a Les Poochs brush.  If you have a matting doodle and you don't have one that would be my personal recommendation.  If you e-mail Kemp at the with a photo of your doodle he will be able to tell you what type brush you need to order.  They are not cheap, but they are a life saver.  Made life so much easier.  You have to get used to using it and learn to keep your fingers out of the way, but once you do, they are great.  Additionally you need a great comb.  You need to be sure that you are getting all the way down to the skin.  There are also some videos on youtube on line brushing.  If you just google line brushing a doodle you should be able to find them.  I think the dogs name is Sully if I remember right.  There is a series of them.  You might also post in the health and medical group about the skin allergies and hot spots. 

also, don't wash and then comb out ... get the mats out first or they will be much more difficult to get out.

I'm definitely going to look into that conditioner, thank you.

This is all great advice.  I would also suggest joining the Grooming Group.  I learned so much from that group when I first got my Doodles.  I keep my guys short most of the time because neither one of them is a fan of the grooming process. 

Thank you so much. I do brush her daily sometime twice a day. I use a really good comb with the fat metal bristles. My mother inlaw has show Goldens and she helped me pick out the comb. My Pru ate her brush I had, and I need to replace it so I will definitely email that store.

The comb (or brush?)  you describe will not prevent or remove mats--you need a steel comb with teeth to get thru to the skin--first you brush then you comb--if the comb does not go thru you can brush again or snip at the mats with a scissor--the comb with the fat metal bristles is going around or over the mats and doing no good. Goldens have an entirely different situation since the loose hairs fall out--they do not mat into the coat the way doodles' coats do.

You could cut your pup really short at this time until this phase passes--I did that with my youngest doodle and saved us all a lot of hassle. Or, at least keep those areas that mat shorter than the rest of the coat--behind and under the ears, the armpits and chest between the front legs and the underside of the jaw--it will not be noticeable and will prevent matting. 

Yep your right it's not doing anything, even in combination with a matting comb so I think she's going to hit the table today and I'm going to take it down in just those areas that you mentioned because those are her problem spots. Thank you

WOW those brushes are expensive.

Sheri, they are expensive but worth the investment. Just don't let Pru eat them :-)
I also really like Chris Christensen staggered tooth butter comb. Definitely join the Grooming Group

Joined the grooming group and I am reading up on it all! Thank you.


Pin Brushes for Pet Grooming, Show Dogs & Cats

Above is a link to Chris Christensen's fusion pin brushes.  In addition to the excellent recommendations, I would suggest strongly that you add this one to your grooming-tool arsenal.  If you have an area that's very stubbornly matted, saturate it first with the Ice on Ice spray-on conditioner and then use a narrow Les Poochs brush to work out the tangles.  Good luck!



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